On April 19th, 2013, 33 members of the Partnerships in Dementia Care (PiDC) Alliance met for a day-long retreat.
Participants included members of the Huron County, Yee Hong and Bloomington Cove Partnering Together for Change Culture Change Coalitions (CCCs), the
Reaching for New Heights Village Advisory Team (VAT) at The Village of Wentworth Heights, and the PiDC Alliance Research Management Team.
Our objectives were fourfold:
1) To share and learn from others’ culture change experiences
2) To re-visit the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process by conducting an AI Summit focused on the PiDC Alliance
3) To identify and document the positive core of the culture change process to date
4) To plan a way forward for the remainder of the project
Together, those in attendance at the retreat moved through four of the five Appreciative Inquiry phases (Dawn, Discovery, Dream and Design), worked to create aspiration statements regarding their visions for the future of the PiDC Alliance, and collaborated to begin to identify specific strategies and
actions to make the shared vision a reality.