Huron County Culture Change Coalition (CCC)--January Meeting

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The members of the Huron County CCC are becoming experts at data analysis!  At their January meeting, the group worked together to analyse more of the data that emerged from the data collection phase of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) led culture change process. 

Working together, the group looked at data collected from staff at various organizations devoted to home care for persons living with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias in Huron County.

The analysis produced will be used to inform the next, 'Dream' phase of the Appreciative Inquiry process that the CCC will begin later this year.  The group is particularly looking forward to the end of the Dream phase, during which time they will collaborate on creating 'Aspiration Statements' which are used to guide the groups planning for Change in the months and years to come.