PiDC Project Co- Principal Investigator, Dr. Sherry Dupuis is presenting a poster detailing work to date by the Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance at the 65th meeting of the Gerontology Association of America in San Diego California.
The poster is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the research team reflecting their experiences at the four Culture Change Coalition (CCC) sites.
The purpose of the poster is to provide a detailed accounting of our culture change process thus far including "Speedbumps" (situations, issues or experiences that remind us to slow down and reflect on the culture change process) and "Ramps to Opportunities" (experiences, supports and occasions that nurture relationships and open up new possibilities".
This process is reflective of the larger goals of the PiDC Alliance, including:
- Facilitating sustainable culture change where all voices in Long term Care settings, including residents/clients, family members and staff are heard, and included in decision making
- using participatory action research and Appreciative Inquiry to identify existing strengths and aspirations
- Enhance the care experience of residents/clients, family members and staff
- Identify outcomes of Culture Change
- Build capacity to implement and sustain Culture Change
- Translate our findings broadly.