Persons with Dementia Advisory Group

In October 2014, the PiDC Alliance established a persons with dementia advisory committee. The driving force behind the creation of this committee was the need to find additional ways to include the voices of persons living with dementia in our research processes. With this idea in mind, the advisory committee brings together persons living with dementia and their spouses once a month to share their input on the culture change work being done by the Alliance. Since its inception, the advisory group has provided feedback on several CCC aspiration statements and related topics, including the importance of relationships as well as friendships to the dementia journey and how communities can continue become more dementia friendly.

We look forward to continuing our work with the advisory committee in the New Year!

If you would like more information about the work of the advisory committee please contact Sian Lockwood at

*Please note, at this time the membership on the committee is currently at capacity.