Culture Change in a Cultural Context
The Yee Hong Culture Change Coalition (CCC) is one of four research sites undertaking a culture change process guided by the authentic partnership model, appreciative inquiry (AI), and the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) Planning Framework.
The Yee Hong Ho Lai Oi Wan Centre in Markham is a long-term care home where approximately 200 elders reside. Rooted in a deep reverence for older adults, the Centre provides care for older adults of both Chinese and South Asian descent.
Staff at Yee Hong emphasize culturally and linguistically appropriate care that supports healthy, independent, dignified living.
Developing Partnerships through Celebration
The Yee Hong CCC is currently in the Dawning phase of Appreciative Inquiry. Working together, the CCC is developing skills and knowledge in preparation for an appreciative process. A key aspect of this phase is the building of trusting relationships and the nurturing of authentic partnerships.
The staff, family, and residents at Yee Hong have taught the PiDC Alliance team that collaboration cannot occur without celebration. We make an effort to laugh, explore creativity, and celebrate successes at every meeting. Perhaps most importantly, we take time during every meeting to share a meal together (provided by the talented Yee Hong food services staff).
If you live or work in the Markham region, we welcome you to join our Culture Change Coalition which meets for two hours once a month. For more information, contact Sacha Geer at sgeer@uwaterloo.ca or (519) 888-4567 ext. 35280.