We asked Culture Change Coalition Members: What Culture Change work are you most proud from recent months?
Yee Hong Culture Change Coalition
“In the last few months, we have entered the Discovery phase of the Culture Change process. This is very exciting because we are now extending our work to families, staff, residents and community members in a way that honours our cultural diversity. We should celebrate!”
“We’re proud to see tangible activities emerge in the discovery stage after a year of dedicated efforts by the group in sharing thoughts, ideas and dreams to reach this phase.”
Partnering Together for Change at Bloomington Cove
“We are proud of finishing our Aspiration Statements! The joy we felt when we sensed that we had got the aspiration statement just right was powerful. That sense of sheer joy is something else.”
“We are proud of the synergy of the relationships that we have created throughout the process.”
Reaching for New Heights at The Village of Wentworth Heights
“I loved the ‘Aspirations in Action’ photo contest we did earlier in the year. We were able to get residents and team members involved to capture images of our Aspiration Statements [flexible living; flexible dining; shared and meaningful activities] in action.”
“I am proud that other people are noticing our work. It was wonderful to be asked to submit an abstract to the Walk with me… conference next year to talk about the great work we are doing!”
Huron County Culture Change Coalition
“We are excited about the formulation of the Aspiration Statements and to have a vision of where we want to go for the betterment of the whole community. We have created some great ideas and determining how to get there will be an important next step.”
“In Discovery, we learned that there are informal social groups and support networks for persons with dementia and their care partners . They emerged from interactions with formal support and education programs in Huron County, but which fulfill different needs. We were excited by what we have learned from participants in these programs and will include these insights in our Dream phase.”