During the Dream phase Yee Hong have worked together to create four aspiration statements. Their dreams and aspiration statements are informed by strengths identified in Discovery and are guided by an overarching culture change philosophy that believes:
By building strong partnerships, creating awareness, building capacity, and focusing on experiences, strengths, dreams, and aspirations with residents, staff, family members, community members, volunteers, and donors as partners in care, we can make changes to improve quality of life for everyone at Yee
At Yee Hong we are committed to fostering accessible and inclusive education, trusting relationships, and supportive partnerships with all partners in care.
Yee Hong is a place where everyone can enjoy life to their fullest in a fun, safe, flexible home-like environment, where choices are honoured and respected.
At Yee Hong we are dedicated to engaging partners in care in supporting staff to provide all residents with consistent quality care.
Yee Hong and its partners in care are dedicated to promoting holistic services that enhance the safety, health and wellness of its community.