Welcoming Chartwell Long-Term Care Residences to the Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance.

We are excited to welcome Chartwell Long-Term Care Residences to the PiDC Alliance. The Alliance will be partnering with two homes: The Willowgrove (Ancaster, Ontario) that accommodates 169 residents, supported by 210 staff members; and The Royal Oak (Kingsville, Ontario) that accommodates 160 residents, supported by 210 staff members.
Chartwell homes strive to make people's lives better by providing a happy, healthy and more fulfilling life experiences for older adults; peace of mind for residents' loved ones; and attracting and retaining employees who care about making a difference in residents' lives. Chartwell values respect, empathy, service excellence, performance, education, commitment, and trust.
We are looking forward to our new partnership with Chartwell and assisting with their culture change journey!