Celebrate the launch of Peace is Everyone's Business, with presentations by Lowell Ewert, Fred Bird, and a few collaborators during this virtual event. Afterwards, ask the editors and authors your questions during a Q&A segment.
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About the Book

The book especially focuses on the role universities can and should play in promoting peace. Universities, which have played a pivotal role in creating a more humane and just world through their research, teaching and scholarship, now face the challenge of thoughtfully examining how each discipline and vocation and the university as a whole can contribute to fostering peace. In general, universities help to prepare students actively to work for peace by cultivating their capacities at reasoning and reflecting, developing their skills in communicating and research, and fostering among them an active awareness of their responsibilities as citizens of the world. While not every discipline or vocation shares the same level of responsibility to advance peace, all have the potential to do so as they intentionally and thoughtfully look for avenues to do so."
Published by IAP– Information Age Publishing
Host: Peace and Conflict Studies Event website: Register for this Virtual Event Cost: Free |Registration Required