Join thousands of teachers, farmers, students, unionists, queer folk, environmentalists - revolutionaries all of us! - as we converge at the gates of the School of the Americas.

You can be a part of the Kitchener/Waterloo delegation to the SOA. This is an inspiring, enjoyable, educational, meaningful experience in solidarity with victims of injustice. Join 1000’s of other university students in Columbus, Georgia. The student cost is only $150 for 4 night’s accommodation and a 2000km coach bus ride. Check out for the lists of speakers and workshops.
Bus pickup at Conrad Grebel 9 AM Nov 21, returning late afternoon Nov 25. You will need your passport and about $50 US for meals. $50 check, payable to Educators for Justice, mailed to 688 Rockway Dr, Kitchener, On N2G 3B4 will hold your place. The bus is filling fast. Call Dwyer Sullivan 519-570-1323, for details or email
More information can be found here- SOA Overview (Word Document) and a full event schedule on their website.