Peace Week Event | Opportunties | Virtual Events
Hi, everyone! Happy September! For some of us, this is a year of returning to the PACS department that looks a little different from how things usually do. For others, this year is the first glimpse at University life and the PACS department as a program. Whatever role you're stepping into this year, we're glad to have you here and to share what's happening in the PACS world.
Peace Week Event
Shaping Peace Together: Envisioning a Post-Pandemic World
On Monday, September 21st, the International Day of Peace, the Kroc institute invites us to a virtual panel to discuss some of the biggest threats facing the world today, and to envision a post-pandemic world. Panelists will discuss the pandemic's impact on climate change, racial justice movements, armed conflict, and more. Please visit the Kroc Institute page to register for this event.
Graduate Certificate in Human Rights and Technology
The University of Arizona's College of Social & Behavioral Sciences has launched a new graudate certificate program, which explores issues like data rights, privacy, misinformation, artificial intelligence, surveillance, cyberactivism, encryption, e-learning, and data literacy. Please visit the University of Arizona's page to read more about this opportunity.
Call for Abstracts for University of Waterloo Virtual Conference on Student Mental Health Research
As part of UWaterloo's Thrive Week, a conference on student mental health research will be held on November 5th, 2020. Before the conference, Thrive is requesting submission of abstracts to be presented at the conference. Presentations can be in the form of posters or oral presentations. To read more about this opportunity, please visit the event page.
For guidance concerning your abstract, please email Rachel Anderson at rreist@uwaterloo.ca.
Graduate Career Programming at the Centre for Career Action
The Centre for Career Action is offering graduate-specific virtual workshops throughout September that are worth giving a look.
The Resumé and Cover Letter Writing workshop will offer hands-on opportunities and teach you transferable skills that should help you on your way to employment. This workshop is being offered on Monday, September 21st, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
The How To Interview Effectively workshop will be a dynamic workshop focused on translating academic language into industry language, and will teach useful interview strategies to make you an attractive candidate for any position. This workshop will be offered on Thursday, September 24th, from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM.
Virtual Events
Tackling the Global Inequality Pandemic
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is offering a virtual event that will explore the intersection of inequality, UN public policy, and faith-based advocacy. It will feature leaders from all over the world and in various fields with expertise on this topic.
The seminar will be 5 hours long, between two days:
November 5, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm and
November 6, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm (EST).
The deadline for applying for a limited spot is October 1st, and the registration cost is $20USD per student. To register, please visit the MCC website.
Advocacy for Peace and Justice: Conversations from the Field
This behind-the-scenes virtual event from Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) will share stories of how advocacy work can make a difference in the lives of marginalized and displaced peoples from Latin America to Palestine and Israel.
The event will take place on Thursday, September 24th. To register, please visit the MCC website.