Bi-Weekly Bulletin
- Tickling Giants Film Screening
- Canadian Peace Keeping: Where Have We Been? Where Should We Go? Forum and Workshop
- Beyond Crisis Film Launch
- A Pinch of Salt: Everyone Belongs in the Kitchen
Job Opportunities & Internships
- House of Friendship - Sustainable Food Systems Research
- Salam Medical Center Internship - Egypt
- CounterAct - Call for Submissions
- Fall 2017 Courses
- Go Abroad Fair
For more information keep scrolling below! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
The Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship (ICPF) conference began in 1948 at Goshen College and represents the peace societies and other peace and justice interested students of Mennonite and affiliated colleges/universities in Canada and the United States. Each year, students organize and host a rotating conference that brings students together to learn from their diverse university experiences. The February 9-11, 2018 conference hopes to engage not only students, but also members from the surrounding community on the topic of Restorative Justice.
This year Conrad Grebel is hosting this conference. The planning committee's first meeting is
Thursday, September 14th from 1:00-2:30pm in CGC 2201
and we want to see you there!
Date: Tuesday, September 19th
Time: 3:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: CGR - Schlegel Community Room (2202)
Tickling Giants is about Dr. Bassem Youssef, the "Egyptian Jon Stewart", who leaves his job as a heart surgeon to become a late-night comedian in Egypt. The film tells the story of how he uses his late-night comedy show as a creative and nonviolent method of protecting free speech and challenging leaders who abuse power.
Canadian Peace Keeping: Where Have We Been? Where Should We Go?
Thursday, September 21st
8:00PM - 10:00PM
Balsillie School of International Affairs
The discussion Canada and Peacekeeping: Past, Present, Future? will feature Walter Dorn (Royal Military College, Canadian Forces College), Jane Boulden (Royal Military College), Mark Sedra (Canadian International Council) and Timothy Donais (Wilfrid Laurier University).
Thursday, September 21st 2:00PM - Friday, September 22nd 3:30PM
Balsillie School of International Affairs
The Peace and Conflict Studies Association of Canada is hosting it's annual workshop at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario. This year, the focus is on Canadian Peacekeeping: Where Have We Been? Where Should We Go?
Date: Thursday, September 21st
Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: Princess Twin Cinema, Waterloo
This event will be so much more than a film screening - it is the sharing of a handcrafted story featuring over fifty voices from across the spectrum of climate engagement, with notable speakers including Dr. James Hansen, Naomi Klein, and many other thought leaders from across southern Ontario, Canada and the U.S.
Date: Saturday. September 23rd
Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Location: St. Andrew - by - the - Lake Anglican Church, Toronto
The Student Christian Movement, alongside Christian Peacemaker Teams, is hosting a day of faith-in-action. In this age of growing white supremacy we, as Christians, are called to act for peace and challenge their messages of hate. Yet, in order to be effective allies we need to begin to understand the system of oppression and our own privileges. A Pinch of Salt, will be a day to network, have fun, and learn how we can be allies in stopping the rise of white supremacy.
Jobs & Opportunities
House of Friendship
We have an exciting opportunity for students with an interest in food security and/or community based, participatory research to become involved in working directly with community members and to facilitate peacebuilding work through this lens. Research training and supervision will be provided, and a commitment of approximately 6-8 hours per month until December 2017 are required.
Interested students should contact
Sarah Keeler: sarahk@houseoffriendship.org
phone: 519-497-9235
Salem Medical Centre
SMC has a variety of openings for interns and volunteers, including work that can be done from Egypt or from Canada. Ongoing openings include support in the following areas: IT, communications, research and others. SMC would also like to highlight a new opportunity for volunteers - we are now offering online one-on-one ESL tutoring and conversation between English-speaking volunteers and SMC staff (or others connected with SMC). Volunteers will be paired with somebody in the SMC community who has some English, but would like to improve - and communication will take place via email, texting apps etc.. This is a fantastic opportunity to build relationships and learn about life in the Middle East. Time commitment each week is minimal, and details can be negotiated on a case by case basis.
For more information, contact Stephanie Janzen-Martin, Director of Program Development, (based in Waterloo) - stephanie@janzenmartin.net.
CounterAct - Call for Submissions
Counter/Act Magazine is a bi-annual online feminist publication and a project of the Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia. We have recently published the first mini-edition of Counter/Act Magazine (available here: https://counteract-magazine.squarespace.com/) and are soliciting submissions for the full Fall 2017 edition.
We are soliciting academic and creative contributions from feminist artists, activists, academics, and practitioners on the practice on feminism in different spaces and critical reflections on feminist responses to violence and injustice. We are interested in a variety of topics and genres including essays, op-eds, stories, poetry, art, photography, and video. For more information, please see the attached poster or view our website at the link below.
The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2017.
Upcoming Courses
BET 420: Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
Wed 7:00PM - 9:50PM
This course explores how entrepreneurs can employ innovative approaches to build organizations that create significant social impact while being sustainable and economically viable. For the first time this Fall, students will also have the unique opportunity within the course to develop a social venture in response to the Hult Prize challenge, a global entrepreneurship competition. Available to students in all faculties. No prerequisites required; an interest in social ventures and an openness to applying business principles are most important.
ECON 484/673: Water Economics
Tues 11:30AM - 2:20PM
The course consists of classes in which the economics of major global water management challenges will be addressed (water quantity and water quality). Particular attention will be paid to water resource valuation and pricing, focusing on market and non-market valuation methods. In addition, students will play a water game, and write an assignment paper about an existing transboundary water management challenge involving trade-offs between water-dependent energy and food security using a cost-benefit analysis framework.
GEOG 374: Spaces of Citizenship: Identities & Inequality
Mon/Wed 9:30AM (lecture) Tues 9:30AM or 10:30AM (seminar discussion)
This course uses international case studies to examine the geographies of citizenship, including extended examinations of, for example, Brexit, trafficked workers and unfree labour, multiculturalism in Canada, and youth politics.
Contact Dr. Nancy Worth for more information nworth@uwaterloo.ca
MUSIC 390: Music, Health & Healing
Mon/Wed 10:00AM - 11:20AM
From everyday listening to clinical music therapy, music is good for your health.What role does it play in health? Delve into the latest descoveries and application, engage in conversations with guest speakers, and explore pathways for music and public health.Open to all students.
Contact: Prof. Maisie Sum msum@uwaterloo.ca for department consent.
Go Abroad Fair
Date: Friday, September 15th
Time: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Location: SLC Great Hall
Learn how you can add international experience to your education and what opportunities you have on and off campus. This fair is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are considering going abroad, or have already applied and want more information.
- Talk to current exchange students about their home country and institution.
- Hear first-hand accounts from Waterloo students who have attended an exchange or study abroad.
- Learn about international internships, service learning programs, and field trips.
- Learn about international groups and service clubs.
- Talk to co-op, faculty and department representatives about opportunities abroad.
Welcome/welcome back friends! I'm excited to be back as your PACS Communications Assistant this year. If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns feel free to give me a shout!
Erin Huston
PACS Communications Assistant
Our mailing address is: