November 8th
Bi-Weekly Bulletin
In this newsletter you will find....
- How Change Happens: Tackling Poverty and Gender Inequality
- Winter 2018 Course Selection Sessions
- Destressing with Dogs
- Make-a-Difference Market
- Getting Organized: Tools for Resisting Racism and White Supremacy Conference
Job, Opportunities & Internships
- Encounter KW: Crime and Justice
- Job Posting: Youth Justice Services Coordinator
- Global Youth Connect: Human Rights Delegation
- Internship Opportunity: Romero House
- Caux Scholars Program 2018
- Winter 2018 - Interesting Courses!
For more information keep scrolling below! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you.
How Change Happens: Tackling Poverty and Gender Inequality
Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: St. Jerome's University
This event will examine the main issues that keep people poor - inequality, discrimination and unequal access to resources - and explore powerful strategies for social change. Drawing on decades of experience as activists, each speaker will share insights on how to influence progressive change to make the world more just and equal for all. Attendees will be invited to engage, challenge and add their own perspectives to the discussion.
Session 1: Tuesday, November 21st @ 1:00PM - 4:30PM
Session 2: Wednesday, November 22nd @ 9:00AM - 3:30PM
Location: Modern Languages RM 109
AUO Advisors will be hosting 2 drop-in sessions to help students make changes to their Winter 2018 courses. There will be computers in the room so students will be able to log in to Quest if needed.
Date: Tuesday, November 18th
Time: 11:00AM - 2:00PM
Location: Hagey Hub
There will be therapy dogs, food, massage therapists and a yoga class (TBC). Note that students will need to show their Watcards.
Date: Saturday, December 2nd
Time: 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Location: Upper Atrium, Conrad Grebel
Come on out to this year's market put on by Conrad Grebel's Peace Society and enjoy Christmas shopping, food & music!! This market supports local and fair trade vendors in our community, as well as raising money for Direct Relief this year.
Date: January 25th - 27th
Location: University of Waterloo
From Idle No More and the broader indigenous people’s struggle for decolonization, to Black Lives Matter and resistance to police brutality and institutionalized racism, to the migrant justice movement’s resistance to the use of borders to control, divide and exploit global labour, social struggles have been in a period of increased resistance to white supremacy in Canada.
Right now this event is looking for more presenters and conference volunteers!
Jobs & Opportunities
Deadline Extended: November 15th
Encounter•KW is a five-day, for-credit, immersive experiential learning opportunity that engages students deeply on a social justice issue in the Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) community. This year, students will engage deeply on the topic of Crime and Justice through exploring, learning, and connecting with local organizations and community partners on experiences of crime and justice in our area.
Students will also have the opportunity to receive credit (0.5) for this experience by enrolling in the associated course, Arts 390 Crime and Justice. This can also be easily petitioned as a PACS Approved course!
Apply by: November 15th
Applications are currently being accepted for a 35 hours/week full-time permanent Youth Justice Services Coordinator. This position operates primarily out of the Kitchener program sites and may be required to work at the Cambridge and/or Guelph program sites. The hours for this position are Monday through Friday including early evening work.
Reporting to a Program Manager, with the support and direction of a Senior Coordinator this position includes program delivery to youth involved in, or at risk of justice involvement and completion of all administrative and evaluation requirements. This position maintains positive working relationships with justice partners including Probation, community social service agencies, and schools. A valid driver’s license, personal vehicle and insurance are required.
Global Youth Connect: Human Rights Delegation
Date: January 3rd - January 15th
Location: Columbia
Global Youth Connect (GYC) will be executing our fourth Human Rights Delegation in Colombia and applications are now open for undergraduate and graduate students to participate.
Set within the context of Colombia's historic peace agreement last year, delegates will gain unique insight into the promises and challenges of conflict transformation, transitional justice, and human rights work in Colombia from leaders building peace throughout the country. Travelling from government meetings in the capital to site visits with social activists in the countryside, the delegation will engage with experts and inspire future work to protect human rights.
Note: For Undergrad students this opportunity could count towards a PACS 395 credit.
Internship Opportunity: Romero House
This internship program gives young people the opportunity to walking alongside refugees in a spirit of service and mutual care; to live with families in a community that intentionally blurs the lines between work and the rest of life; to explore what it looks like to do justice with Spirit; and to be part of building and sustaining a thriving and life-giving community.
Romero House invites applications to its internship program from young people looking for a very meaningful way to spend a year or four months. You can apply foreither our full year (11 month) program (Late August to the end of July), or our summer program (start of May until late August).
Date: June 24th - July 22nd, 2018
Location: Caux, Switzerland
Apply by: March 3rd, 2018
The Caux Scholars Program teaches students to analyze conflicts, to understand the factors that create and sustain conflicts, and provide practical understanding of approaches to resolving conflicts - conflict prevention, negotiation and transitional justice.
Twenty students from around the world are selected for this four-week course held in Caux, Switzerland, during the Initiatives of Change global summer conferences. The program includes approximately 40 hours of academic classes, seven hours per week of “Service for Leadership” practical work, a field trip to Geneva and participation in the Caux conferences.
Upcoming Courses: Winter 2018
SI 316R/RS 316 - Religion and War: The Language and Imagery of War Within Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
This course explores the phenomena of militant words and images within Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Considered in conversation with one another, these Abrahamic traditions challenge students to consider the interconnectedness of these communities, histories, and textual traditions.
ENGL/EASIA 346R: Global Asian Diaspora
Winter 2018 Theme: Food Cultures
What are the origins of Chinese restaurants in Canada? What do refugees have to do with Sriracha hot sauce? What's a 'ramen western'? We will explore the relationship between food and identity, home, migration, empire, gender, sexuality, and race.
If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns feel free to give me a shout!
Erin Huston
PACS Communications Assistant
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