- Mahatma Gandhi Peace Festival
- Distinguished Lecture in Economics - "Good Jobs: The Importance of Who You Work For"
- Re-Imagining Borders Technologies; Designing New Political Forms
- What's Next for NAFTA... and North America? A Panel Discussion
- Visible Yet Invisibile: The Disciplinary Mechanism of Self-Surveillance Among Undocumented South Asian Men in Rural Greece
- "North Korea: Towards Peace and a new Beginning" - Register for MCC UN Student Seminar
- International Exchange Opportunities for Arts Students
- Beyond Borders Program
- PACS Student Society
- Experiental Education Programs
- Volunteer Fair in SLC
- Information session for students interested in teaching/education
- SSO Study Skills Workshops
- Course selection Winter 2019
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you.
Mahatma Gandhi Peace Festival
When: September 29th, 2018, 10:00am-2:00pm
Where: City Hall, Hamilton
Cost: Free
The 26th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Peace Festival is taking place this month! Enjoy a music performance, lunch, and the Peace March to celebrate Gandhi's birthday on October 2nd. The festival is twinned with the Annual Mahatma Gandhi Lectures on Nonviolence sponsored by the Centre for Peace Studies. The theme for this year's festival is "Preventing Violence Against Women." All are welcome to come and partake in this event!
Note: this festival is wheelchair accessible!
"Good Jobs: The Importance of Who You Work For"
When: Wednesday, September 26th, 4pm
Where: Hagey Hall Humanities Theatre
Cost: Free
David Card, Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkely, will lecture about the notion of whether or not there is not such a thing as a "good job." In the labour market, there is evidence that suggests that different firms do, in fact, often pay higher or lower wages and that this gap is wider than ever. Professor Card will review this evidence and discuss the importance of a firms' pay, the gender pay gap, understanding wage inequality, and several other phenomena.
What's Next for NAFTA... and North America? A Panel Discussion
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-42
Cost: Free
Since August, the renegotiation of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has been ever-present in headlines. This panel discussion will focus on shedding light on the talks and their implications for Canada, North America, and the world. Panelists include experts from the Centre for International Governance Innovation, Wilfred Laurier University, and the University of Waterloo.
Re-imagining Borders Technologies; Designing New Political Forms
When: September 27th, 12:00pm-1:30pm
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-42
Cost: Free
Should borders be open or closed? This is a question that has been pervasive in both academic and political dicussions around borders and border walls. Speaker Miriam Ticktin will argue that the answer lies beyond the 'open/closed' dichotomy by tracing various political movements that re-articulate the meaning of borders while pushing anthropological methods of designing possible alternate political forms.
Visible Yet Invisible Lecture
When: October 4th, 12:30-2:00pm
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-43
Cost: Free
Undocumented male migrants from India and Pakistan are visible as agricultural workers during the day, but become invisible from the rural landscape come evening. In this talk, Reena Kukregja dicusses the bio-politics of power and the disciplinary mechanism of self-surveillance in relation to these racialized labouring men as they exist under the invisible coercive power of the Greek state's gaze.
When: October 25th-27th
Where: MCC UN Office in New York City
Deadline to Register: October 12th
Deadline to Reserve Lodging: September 23rd
The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) invites you to attend their 23rd Annual Student Seminar! MCC has been involved with North Korea since 1995, working with the Canadian Food Grains Bank during a famine to provide food and material resources to the people and have facilitated many new projects since then. This seminar will explore the history and context of North Korea, MCC's involvement over the years, and the role that the UN has had in the country's current situation. Attend to contribute to the discussion!
Note: Travel to New York will be arranged and paid for by MCC Ontario!
Jobs and Opportunities
PACS Student Society
The PACS Society is your student body representative in the Arts Student Union (ASU)! Throughout the term they host social and educational events for students to get to know each other and engage in issues together. The PACS Society is looking for four students for four exciting leadership positions: President, VP of Communications, and VP External/Internal. This is your community- if there is something you'd like to see, issues you'd like to work on, or events you'd like to organize, the PACS Society is a great way to do it! If you are interested in applying for a position or would like more information, email rreist@uwaterloo.ca!
On September 25th, from 11am-2pm, you will have the chance to connect with 40 local community organizations at the the Volunteer Fair in the Student Life Centre (SLC). This is a great opportunity to look for placements as part of an experiential learning opportunity, a great way to develop skills and gain new experiences, or simply just to give back to the community!
If you are interested in teaching or education as a career path, attend this information session with Kaitlyn Kratz from the Centre for Career Action! Get more information on level selection, teachables, application processes, and alternate careers. It will be held at Renison University College in Room 1303, beginning at 2:30pm, on October 3rd, 2018. All are welcome! No registration required.
The Student Success Office will be holding many Study Skills Workshops this term that are aimed at helping students learn and develop skills to make the most of their education. Below are some of the workshops available for you to attend. Full descriptions and workshop information available through the link.
- Note taking in university
- Reading strategies
- Study strategies
- Organizing your time for midterms and exams
- Troubleshooting your time management
- Test preparation and test anxiety
Reminder that Winter 2019 course selections begin soon! If you need help or guidance with this, the Arts Undergraduate Office (AUO) Advisors will be hosting two sessions to help you choose your courses. All students are encourage to come participate!
- Session 1
- Date: Thursday, September 27th
- Time: 10am-3:30pm
- Location: PAS 2438
- Session 2
- Date: Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018
- Time: 10am-3:30pm
- Location: PAS 2438