So, Elaina enrolled in the Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) program. At first, Elaina wasn’t sure how she felt about the program, but she was soon engaged by her classes and her professors, who served as excellent mentors.
She has found that:
“PACS engages whatever your passions are.”
Elaina’s favourite areas of study are conflict resolution, justice, and peace, and she has had the opportunity to explore those ideas in her classes. These include: PACS 331: Trauma and Healing which examines how the conflict resolution process can be impacted by trauma, and PACS 329: Restorative Justice, which investigates the history, theory, principles, practices, and how people engage with restorative justice. These classes were especially important classes for her, as they challenged her worldview and encouraged her to think about the ways that peace can be a transformative process.
Another class that has made Elaina’s PACS journey an impactful one was PACS 313: Community Conflict Resolution, which explores the significance of two themes, identity and community, in the development and transformation of conflict. In that course, which featured a class-discussion style, Elaina learned that:
“There’s so much to learn from the people sitting around you. Learning comes from everywhere you are.”
Outside of her academic efforts, Elaina was able to participate in Conrad Grebel University College’s residence Peace Society in her first and second years. She has appreciated the opportunity to informally discuss important issues and try to make a difference in the community. She was able to participate in efforts like the annual Make a Difference (MAD) Market, where local vendors come to Grebel and sell items, donating proceeds to various causes.
In her fourth and final year, Elaina served as Grebel’s PACS Live-Learn leader, a position where she met with PACS students in residence and helped them to build a community. She was excited to be able to pass on her knowledge and experience, learn about alumni, and encourage younger students to build relationships with their professors.
As well, in her final year, Elaina took part in PACS 401: Senior Research Seminar, where she completed a research paper in a chosen area of study. During this time, she took full advantage of the help offered to her by Professor Reina Neufeld, who encouraged her to submit her paper to several student conferences.
Elaina’s paper, “Living in Space of Reconciliation: An Analysis of the Role of Communal Living Space in Reconciliation Processes in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland”, was chosen for two presentations at student conferences. She will have the opportunity to present them for a wide audience, which will be an asset to her career development, should she choose to pursue academia further.
After her graduation in June of 2021, Elaina has plans to work for the Romero House for a year, where she can experience living communally and supporting people with her PACS knowledge.
For students looking to follow in her footsteps, Elaina suggest that you:
“Be curious! The most I’ve never gotten out of my undergrad [experience] was when I was curious. Take classes, talk to professors and fellow students, and don’t be afraid to do things that you may not be qualified for.”