Co-hosted by Wilfrid Laurier University's Department of Global Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College, this year's conference will tackle the theme of "Peace Studies between Tradition and Innovation."
Alongside the main academic conference will be a parallel student conference, aimed at engaging high school and undergraduate students in the growing field of peace and justice studies.
Kitchener-Waterloo region's history of Mennonite peacemaking existing alongside a growing reputation as one of Canada's most dynamic high-technology hubs inspired the theme of this year's conference. The theme honours the tradition, history, and accomplishments of the peace and justice studies movement while also seeking to expand the movement's frontiers in search of new and innovative ways to promote both the practice and culture of peace in a divided world.
The PJSA conference includes many notable keynote speakers including 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams(International Campaign to Ban Landmines), James Orbinski (Global Health Governance),George Roter (Engineers Without Borders), Rhoda Howard-Hassmann (Canada Research Chair, International Human Rights), Sylvia McAdam (Idle No More), Deborah Ellis (author - Teachers Professional Development strand), and Howard Zehr (Eastern Mennonite University - Mediation/Restorative Justice pre-conference session).
More information can be found at the PJSA Conference Webpage.