Peace Studies between Tradition and Innovation
By Emily Mininger, Peace and Conflict Studies student
Photo Credit: Hannah Yoon
By Emily Mininger, Peace and Conflict Studies student
Photo Credit: Hannah Yoon
The Peace and Justice Studies Association's (PJSA) annual conference is taking place this year in Waterloo from October 17th-19th.
By Sarah Klassen, Peace Camp Coordinator
For youth looking to make a difference, make new friends, and have fun at summer camp, Peace Camp is the place to be! Now heading into its third summer, Peace Camp is a unique camp where youth ages 11-14 get to experience the same types of fun games, activities, sports, and crafts as any other summer camp, but with a social justice and peace focus.
A local Kitchener imam, Muhammad Abuelezz, and a New York-based journalist and professor, Paul Moses, came together at Conrad Grebel University College on March 8, 2013 to share an 800 year old story. At this public talk entitled "The Saint and the Sultan: Religion, Conflict and the Search for Peace," Moses described the meeting of St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malik al-Kamil during the Fifth crusade. Abuelezz responded with the implications for Muslim-Christian relations today.
“Sponsor debates on peace issues.” “Promote international peace through music.” “Become a peace and technology centre—mapping where peace is vulnerable in our world today.” “Display peace art in the gallery.” “Form research teams that produce effective peace-building practices in our schools.” “Study the environment as a peace issue.” “Host visiting peace advocates from the global church.”
Waterloo, Ontario – An expert in civil society peacebuilding, Professor Reina Neufeldt will be joining the Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) department at the University of Waterloo, based at Conrad Grebel University College, beginning July 1, 2012. Neufeldt comes to Conrad Grebel from American University in Washington D.C. where her research focuses on the intersection of identity, social change, ethics, and peace processes. Her dissertation examined Mennonite identity maintenance and change during three periods of conflict in the 20th Century. She received her PhD in International Relations in 2005, and holds an MA in Social Psychology.