Thursday, September 14, 2023

Nicki is a recent MSc graduate in Chemistry, where she worked with Dr. German Sciani's group on the fabrication of nanofluidic cells for liquid phase electron microscopy, with a focus on nanoparticle and biomolecule imaging. Through this work Nicki acquired extensive experience on a diverse array of Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (S/TEM) and with a variety of imaging and analysis modes.
Nicki's primary areas of responsibility will be:
- Troubleshooting and maintenance of the TEM and FIB/SEM
- Lab member guidance, training, and qualification on the TEM and FIB/SEM
- Advice and support for optimal sample preparation techniques
- Supporting lab members in all aspects of electron microscope operation
She is available to assist users in producing high-resolution images, obtaining spectroscopic data, data processing and analysis.
Please join us in welcoming Nicki to the QNFCF team!