Vendor: Bruker
Model: Dimension FastScan
Purpose: Scanning probe microscopy of various sample types; equipped with FastScan and ICON scanners.
Equipment description:
The Bruker FastScan/Icon® is an atomic force microscope (AFM) capable of mapping surfaces with nanoscale lateral resolution and sub-nanometer depth resolution. The technique employs a laser feedback system focused on a sharp probe which is scanned over the sample surface. Best results are achieved with clean, hard samples that are relatively flat (<1 µm height difference). The FastScan® head enables high-speed topographical scanning using ultra-high frequency probes. Alternatively, the Icon® scan head can be used when a larger scan area, greater sample roughness or additional advanced surface analysis modes are required.
Available analysis modes include:
- ScanAsyst® (PeakForce Tapping™) mode
- Tapping/Contact Mode
- Quantitative Nanomechanical mapping
- Conductive and Magnetic mapping (PeakForce TUNA™ extended application module)
- Thermal (VITA extended application module)