Spin coat: UV resist station [BREWER-UVspinbake]

Vendor: Brewer Science

Model: Custom exhausted enclosure equipped with CEE 200X spinner and 1300X vacuum hotplate

Purpose: Spin coating and baking of photoresist films

Equipment wiki link

Equipment Description:

The Brewer photoresist spin coat station is intended for semi-automated coating and baking of photoresist materials on substrates up to 200 mm in diameter. 

The coating module features automated syringe and cartridge dispensing options as well as ports for manual application of photoresists. The spin module incorporates programmable exhaust and edge bead removal features as well as the option to bleed N2 into the spin chamber manually.  Maximum rotational speed is 6000 RPM. Numerous staff optimized spin recipes for common resists and substrate sizes are programmed into the controller and available for use.

The baking module is capable of programmed hard contact (vacuum), soft contact, or proximity baking modes at temperatures up to 300°C.