OMICRON-MBE-Metal (MBE Growth of Metal Films)

Vendor:   Scienta Omicron
Model:    Custom Multi-Module UHV Growth & Analysis System: Metals MBE Growth Chamber
Purpose: MBE growth of metal thin films

Equipment Wiki Link


  • UHV chamber with base pressure better than 5e-10 Torr
  • 2" diameter substrate handling (and smaller)
  • Substrate tilting to +/- 90 degrees
  • Substrate rotation 0 to 30 rpm
  • Substrate heating to 1100C (oxygen compatible to 600C)
  • High-temperature (1900C) effusion cells (2)
  • Low-temperature (<1000C) effusion cells (3)
  • RHEED system for in-situ thin film growth analysis
  • RF plasma source for delivering atomic oxygen gas onto substrates
  • Automated thin film deposition monitor and control

Permitted depositions:

  • TBD