Vendor: Bruker
Location: RAC2 2112
Equipment wiki link
Equipment description:
The X-ray diffractometer is capable of performing high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), gracing incidence diffraction (GIXRD), reflectometry (XRR) for studying thin films. The setup is applied to study epitaxial thin films’ properties such as thicknesses, material densities and interfaces in multi-layer samples, as well as the analysis of composition and crystal mosaicity in epitaxially grown thin films.
System features and options:
- Cu X-ray tube
- Centric Eulerian-cradle with Psi, Phi and X-Y-Z translation
- The system is equipped with a vacuum chuck holding up to 5” wafers
- The primary optics feature a Goebel Mirror for a beam parallelization, followed by a four-step automatic beam absorber and a 2-bounce Ge (022) monochromator
- The secondary beam path is equipped with the Bruker Pathfinder optics, which allows changing between an anti-scattering slit and a secondary 3-bounce monochromator for highest resolution (fully automated).