University records are the recorded information, in any format or medium, created or received and used by the University and its employees in University administrative activities and processes, which also document these activities and processes. Management of the University's records is governed by Policy 46 - Information Management, and its principles and practices.
The University Records Management program provides the framework for classifying and managing records to help the University meet its statutory, regulatory and accountability obligations, preserve its corporate memory, and maintain access to the information needed to achieve the University's strategic goals.
The University Records Manager is available to assist all University employees in implementing this framework and thereby meet their responsibilities, described in Policy 46, as stewards and custodians of the University's records.
Updated draft retention schedule for building access records
The draft records retention schedule HS90 – Access Control & Monitoring has been updated to accommodate records created for purposes other than building security, such as those associated with the new Campus Check-In system.
Updated information collections management draft retention schedule
IM60 – Information Collections Management has been revised to more clearly describe records of the management and use of collections of proprietary information, governed by contracts/agreements with owners of IP rights for the information.
Records retention schedule format change is now complete
All University records retention schedules have now been converted from Adobe Acrobat PDF files to regular web-pages, to facilitate accessibility and future updates.
Some obsolete wording and terminology in the retention schedules has been updated during this process, but there are no changes to the retention of records.