Dr. Scott Heckbert to Give Guest Lecture on ABM and GIS

May 16, 2014
Dr. Scott Heckbert

Agent-based modelling and GIS: Applications to land use change and environmental modelling

Dr. Scott Heckbert is an environmental economist at Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, and adjunct professor at University of British Columbia. Scott’s research applies environmental economics using simulation modelling of social-ecological systems. Research topics include ecosystem services assessments, economics of greenhouse gas mitigation, design of market-based instruments for environmental management, modelling the rise and fall of ancient societies, and simulating water quality and biodiversity under land use change. Scott develops spatially-explicit simulation models using agent-based models, cellular automata and network models of people and the environment.


This presentation will demonstrate current applications using agent-based modelling and GIS being applied to land use planning in Alberta, Canada. Alberta Innovates Technology Futures has developed a series of Geosimulation models for use in integrated modelling for planning decision support. These spatially explicit simulation models represent multi-scale processes, and are being used to connect land use change, biodiversity, air and water quality modelling associated with development plans into the future. The model design is amenable to connecting with monitoring and reporting systems supporting planners, regulators and other decision makers. This presentation will describe methods and applications related to energy sector development and also hydrology and land use change.

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