
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Shum, H., Gaffney, E.A. & Smith, D.J. Modelling bacterial behaviour close to a no-slip plane boundary: the influence of bacterial geometry. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 466, 2118, 1725-1748 (2010).
Smith, D.J., Gaffney, E.A., Shum, H., Gadêlha, H. & Kirkman-Brown, J. Comment on the article by J. Elgeti, U. B. Kaupp, and G. Gompper: Hydrodynamics of sperm cells near surfaces. Biophysical Journal 100, 9, 2318-2320 (2011).
Shum, H. & Gaffney, E.A. The effects of flagellar hook compliance on motility of monotrichous bacteria: A modeling study. Physics of Fluids 24, 6, 061901 (2012).
Shum, H. & Gaffney, E.A. Mathematical models for individual swimming bacteria. Microbiorobotics: Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems 29-54 (2012).at <>
Shum, H., Tripathi, A., Yeomans, J.M. & Balazs, A.C. Active ciliated surfaces expel model swimmers. Langmuir 29, 41, 12770-12776 (2013).
Pushkin, D.O., Shum, H. & Yeomans, J.M. Fluid transport by individual microswimmers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 726, 5-25 (2013).
Balazs, A.C., Bhattacharya, A., Tripathi, A. & Shum, H. Designing bioinspired artificial cilia to regulate particle–surface interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 10, 1691-1700 (2014).
Tripathi, A., Shum, H. & Balazs, A.C. Fluid-driven motion of passive cilia enables the layer to expel sticky particles. Soft Matter 10, 9, 1416-1427 (2014).
Yeomans, J.M., Pushkin, D.O. & Shum, H. An introduction to the hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 223, 9, 1771-1785 (2014).
Ortiz-Rivera, I., Shum, H., Agrawal, A., Sen, A. & Balazs, A.C. Convective flow reversal in self-powered enzyme micropumps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 10, 2585-2590 (2016). ortiz-rivera_et_al._-_2016_-_convective_flow_reversal_in_self-powered_enzyme_mi.pdf
Shklyaev, O.E., Shum, H., Sen, A. & Balazs, A.C. Harnessing surface-bound enzymatic reactions to organize microcapsules in solution. Science Advances 2, 3, e1501835 (2016). shklyaev_et_al._-_2016_-_harnessing_surface-bound_enzymatic_reactions_to_or.pdf
