Media Coverage

Suncor Nikanotee Fen, Emerald Award finalist, 2015.
As Peat Bogs Burn, A Climate Threat Rises. New York Times, August 2016.
Salty Secret Might Aid Carbon Impact of Restored Wetlands. Eos Earth and Space Science News, December 2015.
Nutrient Dynamics in Peatlands of Northern Alberta. Western Agriculture newsletter, Fall 2015.
Reclamation Project is fen-tastic. OSQAR, April 2015.
A Climate of Change Documentary. Indigo Child Films, 2014.
Dr. Petrone’s research profile. University of Waterloo, 2014.
Suncor opens Fen in industry first. Fort McMurray Today. August 27 2013.
RECLAMATION: Suncor plants fen at oil sands mine. Canadian Mining Journal. August 27 2013
Suncor Energy Opens New Reclamation Project: Nikanotee Fen. The Globe and Mail. Monday, August 26, 2013.