About Science Society

Veritas in Naturas, Sepientia in a genus hominum

Science Society

University of Waterloo

Your Voice!

The Science Society is your Student Government as a science student. We represent you at various levels within the organisational levels of the University, including but not limited to: 

  • Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)
  • Departments
  • The Faculty of Science
  • WatSEF
  • Faculty of Science Foundation (FSF)

We are your voice for what matters most to you!

We are officially chartered as an independent subsidiary with distinct finances and rule-making authority from the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) via the Memorandum of Understanding Federation of Students Societies Agreement. WUSA and Science Society enjoy a rich tradition of supporting and advocating for undergraduate science students at the University of Waterloo. The WUSA/Society Agreement is a memorandum of understanding that exists to better establish a relationship that can continue to be increasingly more fruitful and beneficial to all undergraduate students.

As your student government in the Faculty of Science, SciSoc is officially mandated:

  1. To provide a channel of communication between the faculty and the undergraduate body of the Faculty of Science of the University of Waterloo.
  2. To oversee, encourage, support and provide a channel of communication between the departmental clubs of the Faculty of Science of the University of Waterloo.
  3. To continuously initiate, encourage and support academic, social and athletic activities within the Faculty of Science of the University of Waterloo.
  4. To promote the general interests and welfare of the undergraduate body of the Faculty of Science of the University of Waterloo.
  5. To encourage and provide a channel of communication between the undergraduate body of the Faculty of Science and (but not limited to) the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association, all other faculties on campus, the Graduate Students Association, University of Waterloo’s residences, affiliated colleges and any of its community partners.

Learn more about the Science Society from our Constitution.


The Science Society is broken into three main bodies:

  • the Science Undergraduate Students
  • the Executives
  • the Board of Directors.

The Executive is responsible for representing the science students and Society across the University of Waterloo and to ensure policies and decisions of the Board of Directors and the voices of the students are addressed. The Board of Directors serves to oversee the Executive, approves the use of student money, enacts policies to more effectively run the organisation, and represents you most directly through your Departmental Club.

Science Society Structure