
About Science Society Finance

Our Mission

To create a positive and enriching undergraduate science experience by reflecting the wishes of science undergraduate students through our financial plan and expenses. We aim to communicate the expense of science student funds wisely by  maintaining financial transparency.

SciSoc Membership

To become a SciSoc member, a University of Waterloo student must pay the SciSoc Fee of:
$15.00 + 13% HST = $16.95
This membership grants the student access into all SciSoc events and grants members discounts into paid SciSoc events.

The Finance Team

  • Executive: Vice President Finance
    • Coordinator: Finance Associate (1 position)
      • Helps the VPF with tasks such as processing cheques and logging retail and CnD sales
    • Coordinator: External Coordinator (1-2 positions)
      • Contacts companies externally to find collaboration opportunities between SciSoc and External Companies

Finance responsibilities

The Science Society’s finances and financial team is overseen by the Vice President Finance of SciSoc who has the following general responsibilities:

  • Creating, Managing, and Publishing Termly Budgets and Actuals for the Science Society and all Departmental Clubs
  • Processing and logging Cheque Requests
  • Processing and logging Invoices
  • Processing and logging Gift Card Requests
  • Managing cash boxes
  • Managing financial matters at events
  • Maintaining the SciSoc Accounts
  • Funding Departmental Clubs
  • Upholding financial policies and procedures
  • Managing, Maintaining, and Marketing SciSoc External Funding
  • Communicating with WUSA accountants as per the SciSocXWUSA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • Coffee and Donut Shop Finances and Inventory
  • Retail Store Finances

The most recent budget and actuals

Find the most update budget and actuals for Science Society. Download the spreadsheet to see the full breakdown!

The images provided are simply a snapshot of what's on the PDF that's linked below. To see a full visual of the budget/actuals, please click on the PDF link below!

Budget - SciSoc

Spring 2023 - Budget

Spring 2023 - budgets

Budget - Departmental Clubs

Spring 2023 - Departmental clubs budgets

Clubs budget 2023

Actuals - SciSoc

Spring 2023 - Actuals

Actuals - Spring 2023

Actuals - Departmental clubs

Spring 2023 - Departmental clubs actuals

Spring 2023 - Clubs actuals

Cheque Requests

A cheque request is a fillable spreadsheet submitted by to the Science Society to request reimbursement for an expense or to request an invoice to be paid. A cheque request is a digital form that will be processed as a cheque in a 1-3 week turnaround time.

Who can submit a cheque request?

  • Science Society (and CnD) Coordinator, Volunteer, or Executive
  • Departmental Club Coordinator, Volunteer, or Executive
  • Externally Funded Organization Coordinator, Volunteer, or Executive


A cheque request is a request for reimbursement, if the SciSoc VPF finds that you are not eligible for reimbursement, you may not be reimbursed. Note that purchases of alcohol may not be reimbursed, please speak with the SciSoc Vice President Finance for details on reimbursements or invoices of this nature.

For any questions or concerns, please email the Science Society Vice President Finance at

External Funding

Each term, the Science Society funds organizations not already funded under the SciSoc umbrella. External organizations are encouraged to apply for this funding, especially if their mission aligns with the following:

  • Benefits or supports science students in some aspect.
    • Aspects may include but are not limited to: labs, projects, science related club activities, mental health, work-life balance
  • Organization contains a large portion of science students that it supports
    • Data to back up the percentage of the club members that are science students helps to validate this
  • Positively impacts the science community or furthers science

How to apply

  • Your organization may apply once each term as this funding is run termly
  • Email the SciSoc VPF at to express that your organization is interested. You will be added to an emailing list where a promotional email will be sent to you with the application package
  • Apply via google form outlining the following:
    • Club / organization name
    • Financial information
    • Amount that your organization is requesting to be funded
    • Presentation that outlines your request (ex. Power Point)
  • Receive communication if your request was accepted, if your request is accepted, you will be asked to present your pitch at a Board of Directors meeting in which the board will decide how much to fund your organization


Note that an External Funding Application and presentation do not guarantee that your organization will be funded.

You may ask the SciSoc VPF about any inquires regarding External Funding and your application at


Honourariums are given to Science Society Coordinators, Volunteers, Departmental Club Executives, and Science Society Executives to thank them for the hard work that they do termly. The following breaks down the present honourarium scheme.

SciSoc Members

  • $15.00 Gift Card | termly - Science Society Coordinators
  • $15.00 Gift Card | termly – Coffee and Donut Volunteers
  • $100.00 Cheque or Gift Card | termly – President (split evenly between co-presidents)
  • $100.00 Cheque or Gift Card | termly – VPI (split evenly between co-vpi’s)
  • $100.00 Cheque or Gift Card | termly – VPF (split evenly between co-vpf’s)
  • $100.00 Cheque or Gift Card | termly – VPR (split evenly between co-vpr’s)
  • $50.00 Cheque or Gift Card | termly – VPSL (split evenly between co-vpsl’s)

Departmental Club Members

  • $20.00 Gift Card | termly – Pres or equivalent (split evenly between co-presidents)
  • $20.00 Gift Card | termly – VPI or equivalent (split evenly between co-presidents)
  • $20.00 Gift Card | termly – VPF or equivalent (split evenly between co-presidents)


The SciSoc VPF may decide not to honour an honourarium if the individual has been impeached, displayed obvious acts of gross negligence, or was not present for their term.

For any comments or questions, please email the SciSoc VPF at