Science Society Executive Elections 2018/19

Monday, February 5, 2018 10:00 am - Wednesday, February 7, 2018 10:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Interested in running for Science Society Exec, your student government in the Faculty of Science, nominate yourself or your friends at today!

Positions to nominate for & descriptions:

  1. President -- The President of the society is responsible for overseeing all activities of the society, implementing Board of Directors policies, and upholding the interests of Science students at the University and Feds levels (including sitting on relevant committees).
  2. Vice President Internal -- The Vice President Internal (VPI) is responsible for overseeing departmental club, University and FEDS committees Science Society is part of, and any other internal activities of the society. The VPI is also responsible for special projects, when necessary. They assume the role of President, should the position become available.
  3. Vice President Finance & Administration -- Vice President Finance & Administration (VPFA) is responsible for overseeing financial activities of the society and some special projects, when necessary. VPFA is responsible for the management of the SciSoc Coffee and Donut (CnD) Shop and oversight of the finances of the society subsidiaries/clubs.
  4. Vice President Academic -- Vice President Academic (VPA) is responsible for overseeing academic and co-operative education activities of the society and other special projects, when necessary. Their role is to communicate academic and employment concerns of Science students at the University and FEDS levels.