Sexual Violence Task Force Purpose, Goals and Membership

In March 2015, Ontario launched the It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment which includes concrete actions to be taken at the provincial government level to help change attitudes, provide better support for survivors and make workplaces and campuses safer and more responsive to complaints of sexual violence and harassment.

One of the actions taken was to mandate that a stand-alone sexual violence policy be implemented at all publicly funded universities and colleges, to address sexual violence caused by students. At the University of Waterloo, this is Policy 42 – Prevention of, and Response to, Sexual Violence which was established January 1st of 2017.

Within this context, the University of Waterloo further sought to address sexual violence awareness, education and response via the creation of the Sexual Violence Response Coordinator (in place by 2017) and the Director of Sexual Violence Prevention and Response staff roles (in place by 2019), as well as via the establishment of the Sexual Violence Task Force (Terms of Reference approved in 2019).  

The Goals of the Task Force:

Guided by the principles of the Okanagan Charter: An International Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges; to which the University of Waterloo is a signatory, the goals of the Task Force are:  

  • To create a campus culture where the impacts of sexual violence are understood and well responded to
  • To create a campus culture where strong efforts are made to prevent sexual violence.  

The Purpose of the Task Force is to:

  • Fulfill the duties of Sexual Violence Task Forces, as required by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (see below)

  • Support the implementation of a prevention framework, that addresses the key elements of: Awareness, Education, Training, Response and Services & Supports needs of the University with respect to sexual violence and consent 

  • Support the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office in their work to develop initiatives in line with priorities established based on the key needs noted above

  • Champion the work encompassed within the above points, in all respective workplaces and campus settings

  • Make recommendations as to where additional resources, services and/or supports and procedures may be needed on campus related to sexual violence

  • Recommend opportunities for collaboration with other campus groups with overlapping interests and mandates

The Duties of the Task Force - as mandated by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities - are to:

  1. Determine the sufficiency of the Sexual Violence Policy (Policy 42)
  2. Assess the effectiveness of programs and services on campus, established to combat sexual violence on campus
  3. Provide recommendations on additional steps that their institution can take to establish a safe campus for all

Task Forces must reflect the diversity of student, faculty, staff and administrative populations

Accountability of the Task Force:

The Task Force is accountable to the Vice-President Academic and Provost, through the Director of Sexual Violence Prevention and Response, who reports to the AVP Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

The Principles Guiding the Task Force are:

  • That all campus awareness, education and training initiatives and activities related to sexual violence and consent be trauma informed, anti-oppressive, and intersectional
  • That these initiatives and activities will build upon the strategies outlined in the Okanagan Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges
  • That these initiatives and activities will be informed by diverse stakeholder consultation and collaboration
  • That these initiatives and activities will be derived from theory and supported by evidence
  • That these initiatives and activities will be evaluated; both for process and outcomes achieved

Task Force Membership:

Membership with voting rights includes:

  • The Director of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office 
  • The Sexual Violence Response Coordinator
  • The Associate Director, Health Promotion in Campus Wellness (or designated alternate) 
  • The Manager, Health Education, in Campus Wellness  
  • A Representative from the Waterloo Indigenous Students Centre  
  • The Director of the Safety Office (or designated alternate)  
  • The Director of Organizational & Human Development (or designated alternate)  
  • A Representative from the Staff Association 
  • A Representative from the Faculty Association 
  • A Representative from CUPE Staff
  • A Representative from the Undergraduate Students Association  
  • A Representative from the Graduate Students Association (not currently filled)
  • The Director of Human Resources Client Services (or designated alternate) 
  • The University Employment Manager of Co-operative Education (or designated alternate)  
  • A Representative from the Affiliated University Colleges 

Membership without voting rights includes:

  • Two Students-at-Large Positions
    • To apply for the Task Force's Students-at-Large membership positions, please complete the application form