Translating Policy into Practice: Sexual Violence Policies and the University

In collaboration with the Gender and Social Justice department, please join us for a discussion of Canadian campus sexual violence policies, including their embodied and institutional effects, and understanding methodological approaches to evaluating their effectiveness.

"Tracing the embodied effects and institutional affects of Ontario's gender-based violence policies"

Dr. Jen Chisholm, Faculty of Gender and Women’s Studies, Lakehead University, Dr. Rita Gardiner, Faculty of Education, Western University, Dr. Hayley Finn, Brescia University College, and Kasey Egan, Western University,

"Highlighting SVPRO's methodological approaches to evaluating policy and exploring trends and gaps in the implementation of campus sexual violence policies in Canada."

Ravita Surajbali, Planning and Program Evaluation Specialist, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office

November 24th itinerary
Meet in Hagey Hall room 335 at 11:30 am for a light lunch
Masking is strongly encouraged when not eating

The talk will take place in Hagey Hall room 373 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Join us virtually via Zoom 

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