Please join us for the Fall 2021 Joint University of Waterloo–St. Jerome’s University Legal Studies Seminar.
On Monday the 22nd of November, 2021 at 1 p.m. EST, DR. ARIADNA ESTÉVEZ will be speaking on the topic of 'THE RULE OF LAW NECROPOWER’.

Ariadna Estévez is a tenured research professor at the Centre for Research on North America (CISAN) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations (University of Sussex, UK). Dr. Estévez teaches the courses The Necropolitical Apparatus of Forced Migration and Research Seminar On Biopolitics and Necropolitics at UNAM’s Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, where she is also co-coordinator of the Research in Progress Seminar on Critical Legal Studies and Migration at UNAM’s Institute of Legal Research (CISAN-IIJ). She is the author of The Necropolitical Production and Management of Forced Migration (Lexington Books, upcoming January 2022), Necropower in North America: The Legal Spatialization of Disposability and Lucrative Death (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) and Guerras necropolíticas y biopolítica de asilo en América del Norte (Necropolitical wars and asylum biopolitics in North America) (UNAM-UACM, 2018).
In this seminar, Dr. Estévez will be presenting a chapter from her book, Necropower in North America: The Legal Spatialization of Disposability and Lucrative Death (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Seminar Abstract:
Building on competing interpretations of necropower in the first world, the author argues that the United States and Canada enforce their sovereign power of killing not above or below the law but through it. North American first world countries use legal frameworks to accumulate capital through activities that produce death in specific geographies and spaces along the lines of nationality, ethnicity, race, class, and gender. The chapter calls this rule of law necropower, and is illustrated using examples such as mass incarceration, migration, and extractivism in indigenous lands.
About the seminar series:
The Joint Legal Studies Seminar Series features biannual seminars showcasing a range of legal studies scholarship. The series is hosted by the Departments of Sociology and Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo and St. Jerome’s University.
For more information:
Please contact Adam Molnar with any questions.