Associate Professor

MA (Wisconsin)
BA (British Columbia)
Research and teaching areas
Research areas:
- survey methods
- environmental sociology
- rural sociology
- social movements
Recent projects:
- research on public participation in environmental decision-making
- environmentalism and the toxic waste movement
- green political thought
- the influence of incentives on response rates to mail surveys
Teaching areas:
- methods and statistics
- environmental sociology
- social movements and collective behaviour
- social psychology
Recent course offerings at the undergraduate level have included:
- Sociology 101 (Introduction to Sociology)
- Sociology 280 (Social Statistics)
- Sociology 321 (Methods I)
- Sociology 286 (Environment and Behaviour)
- Sociology 237 (Collective Behaviour)
- Sociology 435 (Environmental Sociology)
- Sociology 421 (Quantitative Methods)
Recent graduate offerings include:
- Sociology 735 (Environmental Sociology)
- Sociology 710 (Intermediate Statistics)
Selected publications
- John Goyder, G. Keith Warriner and Susan Miller, "Evaluating SES Bias in Survey Nonresponse: A New Measure," Journal of Official Statistics, 18, 1 (2002).
- G. Keith Warriner, Kathleen McSpurren and Alice Nabalamba, “Social Justice and Environmental Equity: Distributing Environmental Quality,” Environments: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 29, 1 (2001): 85-98.
- Pierre Filion, Trudi Bunting and G. Keith Warriner, "The Entrenchment of Urban Dispersion: Residential Preferences and Location Patterns in the Dispersed City," Urban Studies, 36, 8 (1999): 1317-47.
- Alice Nabalamba and G. Keith Warriner, "Environmental Equality: Pollution, Race and Socio-economic Status in Michigan," Environments: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 26, 2 (1998): 58-75.
- G. Keith Warriner, John Goyder, Heidi Gjertsen, Paula Hohner and Kathleen McSpurren, "Charities, No; Lotteries No; Cash, Yes: Main Effects and Interactions in a Canadian Incentives Experiment," Public Opinion Quarterly, 60, 4 (1996): 542-61.
- G. Keith Warriner, James J. Madden, Lynda Lukasik and Kathleen McSpurren, "Public Participation in Watershed Management: A Comparative Analysis," Canadian Water Resources Journal, 21, 3 (1996) 253-273.
- G. Keith Warriner, "Public Participation and Environmental Planning," Chapter 14 in Thomas Fleming (ed.), Environment and Canadian Society. Scarborough: Nelson Canada, 1996.
- G. Keith Warriner, "The Environment and Social Change," Chapter 22 in Lorne Tepperman, Jim Curtis and Jack Richardson (eds.), The Social World, 3rd Edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Primis, 1994.
- G. Keith Warriner and Trudy Moul, "Kinship and Personal Communication Network Influences on the Adoption of Agriculture Conservation Technology," Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 8, 3 (1992) 279-91.
- 1991 G. Keith Warriner, "Accuracy of Self-Reports to the Burdensome Question: Survey Response and Non-Response Error Trade-offs," Quality and Quantity: European- American Journal of Methodology, 25 (1991) 253-269.