Adjunct Professor

M.A. Sociology (McMaster)
B.A. Economics and History (Bishop's)
Research and teaching areas
- Social Science Methodology - SOC 697 and (occasional) SOC 321, SOC 712
- Social Inequality - SOC 315
- Technology and Social Change - SOC 232
- Waterloo as Knowledge Society - SOC 339
- Social Identity - SOC 412
Selected publications and presentations
Social inequality
- Goyder, John (2009). The Prestige Squeeze: Occupational Prestige in Canada Since 1965. McGill - Queen's University Press. Winner of the 2010 Porter Prize.
Survey research methods
- Goyder, John (1987). The Silent Minority: Nonrespondents on Sample Surveys. Polity Press/Westview Press.
- Goyder, John, and Claire Durand. 2008. "The Prestige of Survey Research." Canadian journal of marketing Research 24:22-31.
Work and technology
- Goyder, John (2005). Technology and Society: A Canadian Perspective. (2nd edition) Broadview Press.