Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo

Software engineering is a systematic and disciplined approach to developing software. It applies both computer science and engineering principles and practices to the creation, operation, and maintenance of software systems.

At the University of Waterloo, Software Engineering is an independent, interdisciplinary program supported by both the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Engineering. Graduates of this program will earn a Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) degree.

Faculty of Engineering

Courses provided by the Faculty of Engineering show students how to design and how to solve problems in digital hardware and software.

Faculty of Math

Courses provided by the Faculty of Math give students the background they need to understand computing fundamentals and to model and reason about software behaviour.


Bilal Akhtar, SE2019, is tackling the GTA housing crisis as part of MNTO (More Neighbours Toronto): 

Waterloo won the 2021 ICPC North America Division Championship, and advances to 45th ICPC World Finals. ICPC is the International Collegiate Programming Contest. Waterloo's team includes 4A SE student Wesley Leung, and solved 12 problems in contest. No other competitor solved more than 9 problems. 

SE 2021 Capstone Team Hyperbeam (formerly Tutturu) won the $50K Palihapitiya Venture Creation Fund, to help fund their startup. The team consists of SE students Philip Scott, Amby Balaji, Declan Goncalves, and former SE student Keer Liu (now BCS). Hyperbeam is a shared web browser that allows friends to watch videos and surf the web together from different locations. They have over 1 million users, including over 170,000 who are active each month.