Special tribute to remember Michael Herz

Thursday, February 16, 2023 2:30 am - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

To celebrate the life and achievements of Michael Herz, a long-standing member of the UWSA executive, please join the UWSA Presidents, Staff and the Board in a special tribute event to remember and celebrate Mike’s dedicated service to the UWSA.

The event will open with remarks from Agata Antkiewicz, UWSA Chair, but - in keeping with Mike’s preference to always focus on the individual - we would like to keep the tribute fairly informal. If you have a story about Mike that you would like to share, you are most welcome to present it yourself during the event or to draft something ahead of time and have it read out to the attendees. In either case, please contact Agata Antkiewicz (ajantkiewicz@uwaterloo.ca) to note your willingness to participate in the storytelling.

The special tribute will take place on February 16, 2:30-4:00pm (hybrid format). In order to best accommodate those who would like to participate in the event, we ask that you please register no later than 4pm on February 8. The on-campus location for the tribute as well as an online meeting link for those attending remotely will be announced after the registration deadline.

Update (Feb. 10, 2023)

The special tribute to the on-campus achievements of Michael Herz, a long-standing member of the Staff Association executive, is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2:30-4:00pm (hybrid format). The online participants are invited to join via the MS Teams. Those of you who noted a preference for in-person participation are invited to join the gathering in EC1-1323 (the Collaboration Space inside the Games Institute).

If you had not had a chance to note your willingness to share a story about Mike, please consider presenting it yourself (online or in-person) during the event or to draft something ahead of time and have it read out to the attendees. In either case, please contact Agata Antkiewicz (ajantkiewicz@uwaterloo.ca) to note your willingness to participate in the storytelling.

The in-person location of the event is equipped with commercial-grade HEPA filters and mask-wearing is encouraged.

Please note that the opening of the event will include a smudging ceremony performed by the UW Office of Indigenous Relations as part of the Territorial Acknowledgement.