Call for Members: Joint Health and Safety Committee, Main Campus

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

A representative on the Joint Health and Safety Committee is needed at the main campus location. Staff representation on these committees is mandatory under the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act.

Seats: 1 staff representative is needed
Term: February 2024 until August 2025 (18-month replacement term)
Deadline: February 9, 2024

Time commitment and training requirements

The total time requirement (without training) is approximately seven days.


  • Five meetings of 2.5 hour duration (January, March, June, September, November).
  • One hour of preparation time for each meeting under OHS Act.
  • Special meetings or subcommittees may be called depending on issues, but generally no more than the equivalent of one day annually.
  • Fall term meetings will be held via Teams in September and November .
  • Investigations, Hygiene Testing, and Accompanying the Ministry of Labour Inspector happen from time to time.


  • Three days annually.
  • One day annually, determined by events and Ministry of Labour visits.
  • Inspections will require a pre-inspection Teams meeting, and then arrangements are made to do the physical inspection of the workplace only if the worker member has been given the guidance on return to work from their departments and after completing the Return to Campus COVID training.

Training provided

  • Health and Safety Member Certification: about five days
  • Ongoing training: Approximately four days in three-year period

Please see the JHSC Terms of Reference for more information.

How to apply

Please submit the UWSA committee application form by Friday, January 9, 2024. Please direct any questions to the chair of the UWSA Appointments Committee, Carly Richardson, at Applications will be reviewed the week of February 12.

  1. 2024 (16)
    1. July (1)
    2. June (3)
    3. May (2)
    4. April (4)
    5. March (2)
    6. February (2)
    7. January (2)
  2. 2023 (18)
    1. December (2)
    2. October (5)
    3. September (2)
    4. August (3)
    5. June (1)
    6. May (2)
    7. April (3)
  3. 2022 (8)
    1. October (2)
    2. June (1)
    3. May (1)
    4. April (2)
    5. February (1)
    6. January (1)
  4. 2021 (12)
  5. 2020 (10)
  6. 2019 (6)
  7. 2018 (6)
  8. 2017 (2)
  9. 2016 (3)
  10. 2015 (5)
  11. 2014 (1)
  12. 2013 (8)
  13. 2012 (4)
  14. 2011 (1)
  15. 2010 (6)
  16. 2009 (1)