Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Update

Thursday, August 26, 2021

We held four Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Consultations in June and July to give all UWaterloo staff the opportunity to attend and learn about the updated MOA. Over 300 UWaterloo staff participated in these sessions; our thanks to all of you for your attendance and engagement with this process so far.

Each session included a presentation that described what the existing MOA did for us, listed some key improvements the updated MOA (PDF) includes, and laid out the expected timeline for implementation. There was also a live Q&A period, with the questions and answers being recorded on the MOA Consultation web page.

In presenting on the timeline, we indicated that we planned to open the vote on August 23; that has not yet happened. We continue to work with UWaterloo on some fine details, and we’ll do our best to keep you, our members, updated as this work progresses. And while we may need to consider minor wording changes should UWaterloo require them, please be assured that any changes altering the meaning – or the spirit – of the updated MOA as presented at the consultation sessions will be brought to our members for review.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to work toward a strengthened MOA for all.