SIF Application Deadline

Monday, March 8, 2010


I would like to remind all USG support staff (including Housekeepers and Janitors) at UW that the deadline for applying for funds from the Special Initiative Fund (SIF) is fast approaching. All applications must be received by 4:30pm on March 31, 2010.

Funding decisions will be made by the Staff Excellence Fund sub-committee by April 30, 2010. Applications will be considered on the basis of overall merit, type of activity, and who will benefit. All applicants will be informed of the successful projects and an “approved projects” list will be published on an annual basis. Applicants may be individuals or groups.

Recipients of funds will be required to report to the Staff Excellence Fund Subcommittee on project success by submitting a short written report highlighting the project goal, what went well and what they would change (if anything) within one month of the event occurring/project completion.

What does SIF fund?
Submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • projects that promote excellence through cooperation, collaboration and innovation;
  • projects that enhance staff morale;
  • cultural, athletic or recreational events and outings;
  • beautification projects;
  • volunteer or community service initiatives;
  • projects that enhance staff wellness; or
  • any other undertaking that would enrich the working environment for staff

If you have any questions about the application form or process, please contact the UW Staff Association Office (x38668 or x33566); email

Additional information and application forms can be found at

Please submit your completed application by 4:30pm March 31, 2010 to:

Staff Excellence Fund Subcommittee
c/o Staff Association Office Manager
Davis Centre, Room 3603