The UWSA Election Results 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The UWSA Election Results 2019

The UWSA Board consists of nine (9) directors, some of whom hold the position of President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, or Treasurer.  Annually the President-Elect and two directors are elected to serve three-year terms.  Joe Allen, UWSA Chief Returning Officer, gave his report at the UWSA Annual General Meeting on Thursday October 31st.  The following candidates were successful in their bids for election.

Kathy Becker, President-Elect.

Bill Baer, Director (3-year term)
Agata Antkiewicz, Director (3-year term)

At the first meeting of the 2019 Board, traditionally held immediately after the AGM, Rose Vogt resigned from her role as Past-President effective November 1st since she is retiring as of that date (congratulations Rose!).  This resulted in a vacancy for the Past-President role. 

The Board made a decision, in accordance to UWSA policy and procedures, to appoint Michael Herz to the role of Past-President.  This then resulted in a vacancy for a Director position.  Similarly, in accordance to UWSA policy and procedures, the Board appointed Jane Arnem to serve as Director until the next AGM.

The Board deferred the appointment of Treasurer and Corporate Secretary until we have had a chance to onboard our new Director.  Those appointments are expected at our November 19th meeting.

I do hereby present to you the Board of Directors (9) and those with Officer positions (Treasurer and Secretary to be determined):

President: Lawrence Folland,

President-elect: Kathy Becker

Past President: Michael Herz

Director, Agata Antkiewicz

Director, Jane Arnem

Director, Bill Baer

Director, Annette Dietrich

Director, Dave McDougall

Director, Jackie Serviss

Thank you to:

The candidates vying for the opportunity to serve the UWSA membership.  I encourage you to continue to your quest and stay connected with the UWSA,

Joe Allen, CRO and the election committee for running the election,

Yvonne McDougall-Brady, representing Johnson Insurance for supporting our efforts with fabulous door prizes,

Agata, for her technical aptitude allowing our distant members to be included in the AGM, and

I wish to especially acknowledge Gail Spencer, Executive Manager and Catherine Bolger, Communications and Administrative Coordinator for their efforts in keeping things running smoothly.

To all our members, Thank you.


Lawrence Folland,

UWSA President.