Meet the 2024 Director & President Candidates

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Starting October 7, all UWSA members will be invited to vote for new directors to join the UWSA Board of Directors and the next UWSA president. There are two candidates for president and six for director, with four open seats on the board. 

We encourage you to read the president and director role descriptions and our UWSA 101 post on the difference between the board and operations team to inform your decisions.

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Presidential candidates

About the role: The president heads up the operations team, which handles the day-to-day “operations” work—delivering programming and services to members and advocating to the university on behalf of staff. The president supervises three employees to do this work, and works with the president-elect and past president, along with several committees and UWSA representatives on university committees.

The successful candidate will serve as president-elect for one year starting November 1, and move into the full-time president role in November 2025.

Candidate statements: Candidates were asked to provide a statement describing why they're running; the skills or experience they have that would enable them to make valuable contributions as UWSA president-elect and president; and their approach to leadership and collaboration and how they'll apply it to representing all UWSA members. Candidate profiles are presented in alphabetical order by first name.

Alyssa Kuron (she/her)

Current position: Industry Strategist, Co-operative Education

Visit Alyssa's LinkedIn profile

I’m running for president because I’ve experienced firsthand the incredible guidance and support that UWSA provides, and I am eager to give back by supporting our staff community and advocating for our collective needs.

In my six years at UWaterloo, I’ve held roles in Engineering, Office of Research and Co-op. This has not only given me a broad awareness of university policies and procedures, but has also provided amazing opportunities to build relationships across campus and learn from colleagues with diverse experiences and priorities. I have also enjoyed participating in the UWSA Staff Conference, including twice as a presenter.  

If elected, I’d spend my year as President-elect learning as much as possible about where I can make the best impact. As President, I will bring a collaborative and adaptable leadership style, grounded in integrity, approachability and compassion. I believe that considering diverse perspectives is essential for sound decision making as we navigate evolving staff needs and drive meaningful, inclusive solutions.

My goals as President will be to 1) advocate for fair and competitive compensation, 2) be a champion for equity, ensuring all staff have access to opportunities and support, and 3) promote a respectful workplace where everyone can feel safe and perform at their best. Overall, I will find opportunities for positive change that will elevate staff voices and shape the future of UWaterloo.

More about me: I have a BSc from Waterloo and a Master’s from Guelph. Prior to Waterloo, I spent most of my career in environmental consulting where I nurtured my dual affection for field work and spreadsheets. Outside of work, my time is dedicated to my two busy boys, baking, writing, and reading as many books as possible. 

It would be an honour to serve as your UWSA president. Thank you.

Bill Baer (he/him)

Current position: Information Technology (IT) Director, Faculty of Arts

Visit Bill's LinkedIn profile

I want to continue the great work of our outgoing President and her team. The UWSA and all staff are at a critical juncture and thus I want to bring my experience to the President role over the next three years.

Over the years I’ve been focused on advancing equity, a sense of belonging and diversity. As Bread & Roses President we worked many years to bring LGBTQ representation to the Canadian Co-op Housing Board. As Engineering Science Quest (ESQ) Director we were the first to bring Inclusivity to science outreach. As member of 2018 PACSC, our committee obtained two working groups: Staff Salary Gender Equity & Performance Appraisal System. And most recently, I was part of the team that finalized the MOA (now scheduled for review).

I joined the UWSA Board member as President-Elect in 2017. During my time with the Board, I have worked on many key outcomes. As a member of PACSC we developed two unique compensation recommendation packages (2018 and 2024). I've also been on a few other boards: ACTUA board; Bread & Roses Co-operative homes and on the Hildegard Marsden Day Care board. On these boards I've had various roles such as president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and general board member.

As ESQ's Director, I’ve worked directly with many staff and faculty across the entire campus. During my early career on campus, I worked for both the Engineering and Science faculty IT help desks. And now, I’m the Faculty of Arts Information Technology (IT) Director.

True leadership ensures our members have pathways for their input and resulting actions from what is heard. As a leader, I only make decisions collaboratively, collectively and working with the team. With this input and your concerns, I can leverage my experience and be a strong and very vocal advocate for the association and its members.

Director candidates

About the role: While the president manages the day-to-day work, the Board of Directors is focused on governance: long-term planning, overseeing the big picture, and ensuring the sustainability of the association. They’re there to serve the association itself as a corporation.

Candidate statements: Candidates were asked to provide a statement describing why they want to join the UWSA Board of Directors and the skills or experience they have that would enable them to make valuable contributions as a director. Candidates are presented in alphabetical order by first name.

Gail Bender (she/her)

Current position: Financial Coordinator, Cheriton School of Computer Science

When I started working at UW (about 10 years ago), I was so excited. I thought this was a place that would hold so many opportunities for me...the sky was the limit. Since then, I've held a number of roles and sadly, don’t possess nearly the level of enthusiasm I had back then.  

I am amazed at how completely different one unit can be run from another.  As new systems have come into place (Concur, Unit4, Workday, etc.), support services have continued to push tasks off to units without the necessary oversight, training or supporting business processes these systems require. And it seems that post-covid, there hasn’t been a centralized effort to redefine how the University was going to realign with the ‘new way of work’. Managers are left to make important decisions that can have significant impact, while they often lack the qualifications needed.  While some do very well, others flounder.

As a result, there seems to be an inequity (perceived or real) that is leaving employees disgruntled, ambivalent, and frustrated. Employees are moving from job to job (often laterally) just trying to find a ‘fit’; somewhere they feel they can be treated equitably, where they feel properly supported, and are given the opportunity to contribute to their fullest potential. 

Rest assured that while I have my own personal experiences, I’m not wanting to be a Director with UWSA to satisfy a personal vendetta…and I fully acknowledge that my feelings are impacted by my personal biases and experience. I’d welcome the opportunity to learn about the workings of governance, leadership and policy makers at UW, and perhaps have some impact on reaching a level of understanding that is currently lacking.  
I appreciate your consideration and support!

Kelan Hirtle (he/him)

Current position: Animal Health Technician, Central Animal Facility, Office of Research

Who am I?

I am working as an Animal Health Technician at the Central Animal Facility on the southeast end of campus, and my coworkers and I support much of the animal research at the University of Waterloo. I have over 10 years of experience in this field while at the University of Waterloo and the University of Alberta. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Science, I’m 37 years old and live in Waterloo with my Wife, Son, and 2 dogs.

Why do I want to be a Director?

Because I care about your job as well as my own job. I’m happy to serve on the Board to help fellow members to get the best experience possible during their time at the University of Waterloo, and I am ready to work as a Director to further the Board’s goals for the future of the Association.

What can I do for YOU as a member?

When I decided to run for Director my desire was to get involved in governance so I could act in the best interests of the Association and consequently all UWSA members. I want only the best possible experience for you, in terms of compensation, work-life balance, and fair treatment from the University of Waterloo.

Why vote for me?

I was appointed by the Board to be a Director temporarily since May 2024, so I’ve been doing this job for a little while now, and I’m also sitting on the Staff Relations Committee as an alternate voting member. I’ve learned a lot about the Staff Association and its unique relationship with the University during my time here, and I would really like to continue in that process to serve the Association better, so I would really appreciate your vote.

Kenneth Berry

Current position: Online Learning Consultant, Centre for Extended Learning (CEL)

I am currently a board member since the beginning of this year and it has been and a very fulfilling experience to be of service to the members of the UWSA and the University of Waterloo. As a strategic thinker, I am a firm believer in thinking long term while maintaining a focus on the vision of the board in guiding the high-level strategic governance of the UWSA and providing advice and direction to the Operations Team. 

My lived experiences as a racialized Caribbean male provides a greater understanding of the various challenges that racialized staff may encounter which will be instrumental in providing advocacy as needed. Additionally, I am a past member of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism (IDEAR) committee at the University of Toronto Libraries, which has provided me with valuable tools as well as expanded my knowledge and experience in this space. 

I believe that honesty is not only the best policy, but the only policy, and so I am committed to acting with integrity. I have experience serving as board member of the New Apostolic Church and have completed the Board Fundamentals course. My leadership, decision making and interpersonal skills are in constant development as a volunteer congregational lead lay minister and regional youth leader, in addition to completing the Leadership Lab: Emerging Leadership workshop, at the University of Waterloo. As a trained educator I am enthusiastic to participate in any governance and leadership education opportunities and other training and development activities organized by the board. 

With these skills, talents, experience and the support of the members in this election, I am confident that I will be able to continually make an impact on the UWSA board, the members and staff as well as the University of Waterloo.

Kosisochukwu Ike-Orji (she/her)

Current position: Finance and Administrative Coordinator, Faculty of Environment

Visit Kosi's profile

When working in a university as a staff member it is very easy to begin to feel like a second class citizen and to feel like your opinion doesn't matter, the whole purpose of the staff association is to give staff a voice in every area of well being and provide support to staff. As a current member of the board, I have had the opportunity to see how the staff association takes the necessary steps needed to accommodate all staff and make decisions based on staff's well being. Continuing to be part of the board will allow me to continue to serve staff and make a difference in UW community. Being a part of the board will also provide an opportunity to connect with members and create a safer space for everyone. 

I am currently working as a finance coordinator at the Faculty of environment and currently serving as the Treasurer for the Board. With my experience in Finance and also my experience in working with focus groups and being part of other organizations I am able to bring in a different perspective in providing support and also continue my work in ensuring the accuracy of the association's finances.

Matthew Grant (he/him)

Current position: Prospect Research Officer, Office of Advancement

Visit Matthew's LinkedIn profile

I want to join the Board of Directors to help steward our collective goals, engage with the greater university community, and help make our workplace a better, more equitable environment for everyone. The more time I spend on campus, the more I recognize UWSA’s vital role in materially improving working conditions for members and staff, their essential advocacy on the issues that concern us as employees, and their function as a support system and network that connects and protects us all. If I can contribute to that work in any way, it would be an incredibly fulfilling opportunity.

As a Prospect Research Officer with the Office of Advancement – and as a former public library worker with programming and community outreach experience – I have developed a variety of skills that would serve me well in this role. Most importantly, I am a curious and engaged learner, who always tries to listen, understand and supplement the knowledge and experience of others. I also have a wealth of professional history working independently and as part of a greater team to accomplish long-term goals and manage complex systems. Finally, I am a highly organized and detail-oriented person who cares deeply about workers’ rights and recognizes the power of working together as one voice. These skills, along with my desire to grow and develop my governance abilities, leadership qualities and advocacy work, are why I would be a good fit as a Director with the UWSA.

Mifrah Abid

Current position: Anti-Racism Specialist, EDI-RO

I want to join the UWSA Board of Directors because I always strive to be involved in whatever communities I am part of- whether it’s my political riding, or neighborhood or municipality (or workplace), I am always seeking opportunities for greater engagement with the systems and contributing meaningfully to them. 

I am an ‘Ideator’- constantly generating ideas either through active listening or creativity. I am also what Malcolm Gladwell calls a ‘Connector’- someone who connects diverse individuals and groups, so that the systems talk to each other for collaboration. 

I have 3+ years of experience in grassroots community work, systems advocacy and case work, with a special interest to anti-racism work. All of this makes me want to become the conduit between individuals and the systems that they populate, with the express goal of making the systems more responsive to the issues and needs of its members. 

I am an excellent communicator, with established public speaking and workshop facilitating/ training skills. I am a lifelong advocate for inclusive and innovative change for social good.  With my experience in advocacy, I feel ready to lead through a systemic approach- bringing in a bird’s eye view on issues. I listen to people’s issues and try to bring an empathetic lens to their perspectives. But most importantly, I come with a deep sense of community- I bond over coffee, cake and slapstick comedy.