How to get top marks on university assignments

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
by Mary Anne Gonzales, Academic Development and Retention Specialist

It can be frustrating to put a lot of time and effort into an assignment only to have it returned with a disappointing grade.   

You may be used to completing assignments quickly before the deadline. To get top marks on university assignments, you may need to spend more time reviewing what your instructor expects. 

Instructors are looking for very specific content and skills in assignments that demonstrate your progress in the course. Your course outline and assignment instructions are great resources for understanding assignment instructions.  

Follow these steps to improve your understanding of assignment expectations.

1. Combine instructions provided by the instructor on LEARN and in class   

You might receive information about an assignment in different formats and at different times leading up to the due date. Don’t rely solely on written instructions. Take notes every time your instructor mentions the assignment in class.  

Are there other places you’ve seen or heard information about the assignment? Take time to list these resources and consult them closely.  

Tip: ensure you’re consulting the most recent version of instructions. Pay attention to any updates or changes your instructor might’ve shared about the assignment.  

2. Review requirements from all formats of the assignment description and instructions

Mark the due date and other assignment requirements.  

Do you need to include a title page, bibliography/works cited, charts or page numbers? Where do you submit your assignment?  

Tip: make a list of the requirements and check them off as you complete your assignment.  

3. Write down specific topics, themes or concepts you must include

Assignment instructions can tell you topics you must discuss. They might also provide example topics to help you get started. Read the instructions carefully to determine what your assignment should include.   

Tip: if you’ve been given a grading rubric or sample assignments, read them closely to understand what your assignment should look like when it’s completed.   

4. Use study skills to complete the assignment correctly

It’s not enough to just complete the assignment. You must complete it accurately to your instructor’s specific expectations.  

You will need strong skills in: 

  • time management 

  • critical thinking 

  • critical reading   

  • research (depending on the project) 

Assess which skills you need. How can you apply them effectively to meet assignment expectations? 

Tip: use the Library’s Assignment Planner to manage your time. Take My Learning Skills Evaluation to identify what skills you may need to build. 

5. Prepare to ask for help with your assignment, no matter how confident you feel 

Plan ahead by booking appointments with your instructor and/or TA. Getting help and then applying it to your assignment can take time.  

Remember, you aren’t the only one asking for help and your instructor could have hundreds of students. You probably won’t get a response to questions you send the night before a deadline.     

Tip: to ask for help, use: 

Assignments can be tricky to work through. Putting together new information and presenting your ideas in a way that uses academic skills at a high level can be challenging.  

Book an appointment with a Peer Success Coach to get help creating a plan to tackle assignments, understanding instructions or using these strategies.