Team Communication


In this module, students practice determining what information is relevant to others on their team, establish roles, and practice sharing information through team meetings. The session also acknowledges the role of monitoring and information sharing as a team to help recognize differences among team members’ needs and perspectives through the sharing of team mental models.

Topics & Skills

Participants will learn to communicate and collaborate effectively in team meetings which will allow for the exchange of information between two or more team members with the opportunity to clarify or acknowledge the information. Participants will develop individual and team mental models to foster the recognition and effective communication around similarities and differences among team members needs and perspectives.

Students will develop the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Shared Mental Models

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the session students should be able to:

  1. Recall the components of an effective team meeting
  2. Use effective communication skills to collaborate effectively in team meetings
  3. Create a personal mental model in the context of a team project and contribute to the creation of team mental model to better understand team members needs and perspectives


Meetings, Mental Models & Communication Skills