UW Goes Red for United Way

OCTOBER 1ST marks the start of the annual University
of Waterloo campaign in support of the United Way of
Kitchener Waterloo and Area.
Spread the message by
WEARING RED and show your support.
OCTOBER 1ST marks the start of the annual University
of Waterloo campaign in support of the United Way of
Kitchener Waterloo and Area.
Spread the message by
WEARING RED and show your support.
The Office of the President and the Office of the Vice-President, Academic & Provost have gotten into the spirit of the United Way campaign with a fundraising campaign as cute as it is courageous. Here are the University's senior leaders, as you've probably never seen them before.
$1 each, 6 for $5, or 15 for $10
Click here to see what the raffle includes!
Tickets Available from Nancy or Shirley - CPH 1320
Ticket Prices: $1 each, 6 for $5, and 15 for $10
Raffle Prize: William’s Coffee Shop Package
Raffle Prize: Pamper Package
Raffle Prize: Movie Night Package
Raffle Prize: Picnic Package
Prizes may be viewed in Chem Eng main office E6-3024.
Drop-in bake sale:
Lots of delicious treats made by your United Way housing committee will be for sale. Please let a United Way committee member know if you would like to contribute baked goods!
Take-out cartons will be available for purchase for $5, $10 and $20. Individual items will be $1 each.
A raffle will also be available with tickets at $2 each or 3 for $5.
This traditional office event is the chance for you to enjoy delicious treats provided by generous co-workers, while supporting a good cause.
Please join us for the opportunity to not only partake of the treats, but to also catch up for a few minutes with co-workers, and hear from an agency United Way supports.
We have a special twist to this event this year: bring your own container to fill and take home to share with your family (if you imply you made it yourself, we’ll never tell).
Bake up your favourite or your specialty for the sale. Invitations go faculty-wide!
There is a sign-up sheet at Juli-Ann Sannuto's desk (PAS 2401), right near the 50/50 tickets if you'd like to bring something in for the bake sale!
Perfect attire for a sugar buzz, followed by a temper tantrum, then an afternoon nap :)
Pay $2.00 for a sticker to explain the PJ’s - you are on your own to explain the tantrum
Stop by the Arts Quad in the middle of DP, AL, and ML to contribute to our United Way campaign by grabbing some lunch!
As part of the Faculty of Science’s United Way fundraising efforts this year with the help of UW catering, they are having a Poutine Bar.
The Poutine Bar will be located just outside of B1(Science CND).
The cost for a Poutine is $ 5.50 for regular Poutine and $ 6.00 for Poutine with Sausage.
It will be held on Wednesday October 29, 2014. We need to confirm numbers by October 22,2014 so that we have enough Poutine for all.
Email Sandra.groen@uwaterloo.ca with your order.