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Bill Anderson

Professor, Chemical Engineering
William Anderson
519-888-4567 x35011
Location: E6 3018


  • Remediation technologies using chemical and photochemical techniques
  • Wastewater and air treatment using advanced oxidation processes
  • Infection and pathogen control, including rapid detection methods for bacterial contamination of water, automated UV disinfection systems, ultrasonic disinfection, and novel antimicrobial materials for use in clinical applications
Link to profile: Bill Anderson

Trevor Charles

Director WCMR, Professor, Biology
Trevor Charles
519-888-4567 x35606
Location: B1 377C


  • Plant-microbe interactions
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in agriculture
  • Functional metagenomics to look at the genomes of organisms present in complex samples such as soil
  • Bacterial genome engineering for the production of bioproducts such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)
  • Synthetic biology, bioplastics and bioproducts


Trevor Charles Publication List

Link to profile: Trevor Charles

Laura Hug

Associate Director WCMR, Assistant professor, Biology, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Microbiology
Laura Hug
519-888-4567 x31151
Location: B1 281


  • Microbial diversity and function, especially at contaminated sites (primarily municipal landfills)
  • Microbiome analysis (DNA, RNA and protein in metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics) from environmental samples
  • Bioremediation tool development from exploration of microbial community interactions


Laura Hug's Publication list

Link to profile: Laura Hug
Link to personal webpage: Laura Hug

Yilan Liu

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Yilan Liu
519-888-4567 x40641
Location: E6 4018


  • Synthetic biology, including utilizing bacteria for production of chemical precurors and biofuels as well as environmental cleanup
  • Biomining using iron/sulphur oxidizing bacteria
  • Genetic analysis of new bacterial strains for applications in technology and the environment
  • Improvements in PCR technology
  • Bio-upcycling to transform waste via bacterial biosynthesis, with a focus on succinic acid
Link to profile: Yilan Liu

Jenine McCutcheon

Assistant Professor, Geomicrobiology
Jenine McCutcheon
519-888-4567 x37512
Location: EIT 2051A


  • Microbial carbonation reactions for carbon storage in mine tailings
  • Microstucture and chemistry of microbial mats and stromatolites
  • Electron and X-ray microscopy of microbial mats and their mineral precipitates
  • Microbial nutrient acquisition in polar environments
  • Bioremediation of mine waste materials
Link to profile: Jenine McCutcheon

Kirsten Müller

Professor, Biology
Kirsten Müller
519-888-4567 x32224
Location: B2 245A


  • World expert on Bangiales – types of red algae
  • Red algae of economic importance - they contain compounds (agar, carrageenan, etc.) that are used extensively as thickeners in products such as yogurt, ice cream and toothpaste
  • Red algae as food sources - genera such as Porphyra (aka. Nori, laverbread) and Palmaria (a.k.a. Dulse) are important food sources and are global billion-dollar aquaculture industries
  • Red algae as a critical group in the evolution of photosynthetic life on earth through secondary endosymbiosis of chloroplasts
  • Red algae as a nuisance - (e.g. Cladophora and Chara in Laurentian Great Lakes), invasive species (e.g. Bangia atropupurea in the Great Lakes)
  • Cyanobacteria that release toxins and taste and odour compounds in drinking water (Lake Ontario)
Link to profile: Kirsten Müller

Josh Neufeld

Professor, Biology
Josh Neufeld
519-888-4567 x38344
Location: B1 275, B1 294, B1 289


  • Microbial diversity - developing and applying molecular and computational methods to explore complex microbial communities spanning aquatic, terrestrial, and host-associated habitats
  • Linking function and phylogeny - by exploring active microorganisms involved in transforming carbon and energy, to better understand who is doing what in the environment
  • Nitrogen cycle - using a combination of molecular and cultivation approaches to investigate the microbial community members associated with ammonia oxidation and denitrification


Josh Neufeld's Publication List

Link to profile: Josh Neufeld
Link to personal webpage: Josh Neufeld

Jozef Nissimov

Assistant Professor, Biology
Jozef Nissimov
519-888-4567 x32058
Location: B2 249C


  • Environmental microbiology
  • Aquatic virus ecology
  • Algal-virus interactions and co-evolution
  • Giant virus diversity
  • Carbon flow in marine environments


Jozef Nissimov's publication list.

Link to profile: Jozef Nissimov

Maren Oelbermann

Associate Director WCMR, Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Maren Oelbermann
519-888-4567 x47552
Location: EV2 2008


  • Sustainable agriculture and agroforestry: food security, agrobiodiversity, climate change resilience, carbon sequestration, nitrogen transformations and greenhouse gas emissions in tropical, temperate and sub-arctic biomes
  • Biochar: soil health, carbon sequestration, climate change resilience
  • Waste to resources: closing the loop between food wastage and its ultimate use as a soil amendment
  • Riparian (river bank) land-use systems in agricultural landscapes: determining carbon and nitrogen transformations in terrestrial and aquatic components of the river bank
Link to profile: Maren Oelbermann
Link to personal webpage: Maren Oelbermann

Wayne Parker

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wayne Parker
519-888-4567 x36324
Location: E2 3303


  • Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater and sludge treatment
  • Fate of emerging contaminants in wastewater systems
  • Pretreatment of sludges for enhanced digestion
  • Advanced sludge digestion processes
  • Nutrient recovery from wastewater
  • Modelling of wastewater treatment and sludge handling processes
Link to profile: Wayne Parker

Sherry Schiff

Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Sherry Schiff
519-888-4567 x32473
Location: ESC 305


  • Cycling of key elements in lakes, rivers, forests and agricultural watersheds
  • Impacts of climate change and agriculture on aquatic ecosystems
  • Development and use of novel tracers, such as stable isotopes and artificial sweeteners, for following impacts on surface water and groundwater
  • Indicators of climate change in high arctic and subarctic systems
Link to profile: Sherry Schiff
Link to personal webpage: Sherry Schiff

Maria Strack

Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Management, Canada Research Chair in Ecosystem and Climate
Maria Strack
519-888-4567 x30164
Location: EV1 232


  • Peatland greenhouse gas fluxes in both natural and disturbed ecosystems
  • Potential impact of climate change on peatlands through plot to ecosystem scale manipulation of temperature and water table and evaluating the subsequent changes in soil properties, plant community and greenhouse gas fluxes
  • Peatland restoration
  • Peatland methane dynamics including both fluxes and subsurface storage
  • Organic matter decomposition
Link to profile: Maria Strack

Christian Euler

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Christian Euler
519-888-4567 x40630
Location: E6 4020


  • Bio-based production of glycolic acid, allowing for safer and more environmentally conscious cosmetics
  • Microbial metabolism, including exploration of new methods to improve yields in synthetic biology
  • Metabolic flux, looking especially at proteins, regulators, and pathways involved in microbial metabolism
Link to profile: Christian Euler