Social Innovations Within Markets

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 (all day)

Visit the Event's webpage.


A rising number of organizations (social enterprises) have made it their central mission to advance social welfare goals within markets, violating the conventional division of responsibilities between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Scholarly work has trailed practice in this rapidly evolving field, but recent work has advanced a number of useful analytical concepts including ‘social innovations,’ ‘hybrid organizations,’ and ‘base of the pyramid.’ Join us for a one day workshop in which we will reflect on both the long standing and emerging opportunities and challenges faced by these organizations.


 »  Frances Westley, JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, University of Waterloo

»  Geoff Kistruck, Associate Professor and Ron Binns Chair in Entrepreneurship, Schulich School of Business

»  Oana Branzei, Associate Professor, Director of Sustainability Certificate Program, Ivey Business School

Moderated by  Dr. Silvia Dorado, Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island and Visiting Professor at the University of Waterloo.