Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation (WISIR) Paper Series
A compilation of the work of Social Innovation Generation at Waterloo (SiG@Waterloo) project that led to the establishment of WISIR, the abstracts provided present the implications of WISIR's research for practitioners - especially for foundations driven to catalyze social innovation.
See the categories below for the abstracts and articles of the WISIR paper series
- Economics - the role of funding and markets in social innovation
- The Environment and social innovation - what can we learn from resilience theory
- Agency - the role of individuals in social innovation
- Policy and governance - the role of government in social innovation
- Scale - how social innovations grow to create systems change
- Power and Partnerships
- Other
Recent Conference Papers
November 14-15, 2013: WISIR researchers presented the following papers at the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (Nesta)Social Frontiers: The next edge of social innovation research conference:
- Westley, F. and K. McGowan. 2013. At the root of change: The history of social innovation. This paper introduces a new theory surrounding the process of social innovation using historical case studies.
- Westley, F. and N. Antadze. 2013. When scaling out is not enough: Strategies for system change. We investigate how successful social entrepreneurs face the challenge of scaling up their social innovation.
- Tjornbo, O. 2013. The potential of mass collaboration to produce social innovation. There have been many optimistic predictions about the potential of crowds to solve social problems. But are these tools valuable to the production of social innovation?
Innoweave introduction to scaling impact November 19, 2013. Delivered by Cheryl Rose, associate director, WISIR.