Publications and webinars

Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation (WISIR) Paper Series

A compilation of the work of  Social Innovation Generation at Waterloo (SiG@Waterloo) project that led to the establishment of WISIR, the abstracts provided present the implications of WISIR's research for practitioners - especially for foundations driven to catalyze social innovation. 

See the categories below for the abstracts and articles of the WISIR paper series

  1. Economics - the role of funding and markets in social innovation
  2. The Environment and social innovation - what can we learn from resilience theory
  3. Agency - the role of individuals in social innovation
  4. Policy and governance - the role of government in social innovation
  5. Scale - how social innovations grow to create systems change
  6. Power and Partnerships
  7. Other 

Recent Conference Papers

November 14-15, 2013: WISIR researchers presented the following papers at the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (Nesta)Social Frontiers: The next edge of social innovation research conference:


Innoweave introduction to scaling impact November 19, 2013. Delivered by Cheryl Rose, associate director, WISIR.