Copies of the 2024 final reports for IRP 2.0 are available for download in English and French below:
Navigating Canada's Contemporary Social Innovation Landscape: A Systematic Exploration through Mapping and Systems Thinking

Prepared by Dilek Sayedahmed, PhD; Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed, LL.M., Tara Campbell, MDes, Gryphon Theriault-Loubier, MSc, Leena Yahia, MA, and Sean Geobey, PhD with assistance from Marisol Fornoni, Sarah Lesson-Klym, Sergio Nava-Lara, PhD, Katey Park, PhD, and Susana Redekop
Naviguer dans le paysage contemporain de l'innovation sociale au Canada: Exploration systématique par la schématisation et la pensée systémique

Préparé par Dilek Sayedahmed, PhD; Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed, LL.M., Tara Campbell, MDes, Gryphon Theriault-Loubier, MSc, Leena Yahia, MA, and Sean Geobey, PhD with assistance from Marisol Fornoni, Sarah Lesson-Klym, Sergio Nava-Lara, PhD, Katey Park, PhD, et Susana Redekop
A Principles-Focused Evaluation of the Investment Readiness Program: Final Report

Prepared by Katey Park, Ph.D., Gryphon Theriault-Loubier, M.Sc., Cameron Norman, Ph.D., Tara Campbell, M.Des., Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed, LL.M., Leena Yahia, M.A., and Prof. Sean Geobey, Ph.D., with assistance from Sergio Nava-Lara, Ph.D., Dilek Sayedahmed, Ph.D., Sarah Leeson-Klym, Marisol Fornoni, and Susana Redekop
Évaluation axée sur les principes du Programme de preparation à l'investissement: Rapport final

Préparé par Katey Park, Ph.D., Gryphon Theriault-Loubier, M.Sc., Cameron Norman, Ph.D., Tara Campbell, M.Des., Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed, LL.M., Leena Yahia, M.A., and Prof. Sean Geobey, Ph.D., with assistance from Sergio Nava-Lara, Ph.D., Dilek Sayedahmed, Ph.D., Sarah Leeson-Klym, Marisol Fornoni, et Susana Redekop