Municipal Net-Zero Action Research Partnership (N-ZAP) Project Committee Meeting

Saturday, October 1, 2022

N-ZAP is a five-year action research partnership/project led by the University of Waterloo with Professor Amelia Clarke as the PI, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and ICLEI Canada. It is funded by the Government of Canada through the Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF). The focus was to analyze different strategies to support the Canadian municipalities to monitor, measure and achieve net-zero (GHG) mitigation goals. The aim was to ensure emissions reduction projects, policies and programs were aligned with Canada's national reduction commitments. The discussion was on creating improved measurement, analysis and monitoring systems for both municipal and community-wide GHG emissions to advance the quantification of GHG emissions, enable the application of methods to identify mitigation opportunities and evaluate their effectiveness. This would augment national reporting processes and align with international practice. The meeting was the first in-person meeting at the University of Waterloo in October of 2022.