Friday, April 27, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev started with some Drupal-related notes:
new Drupal security issue
- exploit announcement
- security issue exploited within hours
- keeping the security releases in perspective
- security vulnerabilities affect your dev sites too
- should Drupal follow apple's lead? (link no longer available) (and Reddit reaction)
- content first, technology second
- promoting the Drupal community from within Drupal
- promoting Drupal with a redesign
- mentoring at DrupalCon
- using Linked Field module to output fields as links
- how to build a Drupal site with Composer, from DrupalCon
- building a second to none Drupal authoring experience
Then we had the "general" web development notes:
- Firefox's Facebook container extension
- Ruby SASS being "put to pasture"
- time to give up the name JavaScript
- designers and developers, working together
- the spectrum of design roles in 2018 (plus the CSS Tricks note)
- best practices for mobile-first indexing
- introducing Firefox's accessibility inspector (link no longer available)
- what's new in Chrome 67 DevTools
- seeking input on Firefox's responsive design mode
- CKEditor 5 released
- scroll to the future
- CSS sticky as a "local fixed"?
- focusing on focus styles
- how display:contents works
- w descriptors and sizes
- font-display playground
- contextual styling with custom properties
- make responsiveness super simple with CSS variables (link no longer available)
- focus-visible and backwards compatibility
- upcoming changes to CSS for variable fonts
Next up, we watched the videos 6 and 7 from the series of videos on Webform for Drupal 8, continuing from where we left off around a month ago.
We hope you'll join us on Friday, May 4th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am for the next Web Dev Rev.